摘 要
Riveting technology is used in many industries. The number of rivets used in a truck is about one hundred to two hundred and fifty. Use the traditional process of rivet riveting has many shortcomings, such as the noise is too big, pose a safety hazard and the worker's operation conditions. Besides, it requires two or more operators to cooperate to complete. So that production efficiency is low, the quality is not stable either. Suspension type riveting machine can solve the above shortcomings, the noise reduction effect is good, operation is convenient and safe, also can improve working efficiency. At this point, the design for the hydraulic system is particularly important. This subject is designed with CAD. It includes items as follows:the structure of hydraulic cylinders, the material and requirements of major components, manifold block devices and circuit design, the design and calculation of tank, hydraulic pump and design of other auxiliary components. Manifold block design is adopted in the hydraulic system. Thus, it lessens development and debugging period, making it easy to modify. In the course of design, a lot of relevant material is referred, and on the basis of predecessors, improvements are made according to objective conditions and acquired knowledge. With the help of the instructor, many practical problems get solved, the design and calculation of riveting machine for special purpose vehicle beam are successfully accomplished finally.
Keywords: Riveting machine; Hydraulic system; design
目 录
1 设计任务简介 2
1.1 设计内容及要求 2
1.1.1题目名称 2
1.1.2设计要求 2
1.1.3主要设计参数 2
1.1.4液压系统工作循环 2
1.1.5设计图纸 2
1.2 悬吊式轻型铆机简介 2
1.2.1铆接机的性能 2
1.2.2液压系统的组成 3
1.2.3工作原理概述 4
1.2.4控制系统 4
1.2.5系统技术特点 4
1.3 液压技术特点 5
1.3.1液压技术的优点 5
1.3.2液压技术的缺点 5
1.4 液压与其他方式的性能综合比较 6
1.5 液压系统的结构特点 6
2 液压系统的设计与计算 8
2.1 液压系统的设计原则与依据 8
2.1.1液压系统的设计原则 8
2.1.2液压系统的设计依据 8
2.2 液压系统的计算 9
2.21明确设计要求,进行工况分析 9
2.3 系统功能设计 9
2.3.1液压缸工作压力的确定 9
2.3.2液压系统的具体计算 9
2.3.3液压元件的选择 14
3 液压缸总体设计 17
3.1 液压缸结构设计 17
3.1.1液压缸缸体与缸盖的连接结构 17
3.1.2活塞与活塞杆的连接机构 17
3.1.3活塞与缸体的密封形式 17
3.1.4活塞杆的导向装置与密封、防尘装置 18
3.1.5防尘装置 18
3.1.6液压缸的缓冲装置 18
3.1.7液压缸的排气装置 18
3.2 液压缸主要零件材料与技术要求 19
3.2.1缸体 19
3.2.2缸盖 19
3.2.3活塞 20
4 集成块装置的设计 21
4.1 概述及特点 21
4.1.1集成块的设计原则 21
4.1.2集成块的一般结构 21
4.1.3集成块的特点 22
4.1.4注意 22
4.2 集成块设计 22
4.2.1分析液压系统并绘制成单元回路图 22
4.2.2集成块的设计 23
5 液压站及辅助装置的设计 26
5.1 油箱装置的设计 26
5.1.1油箱尺寸的确定 26
5.1.2油箱的结构设计 27
5.2 液压泵装置的设计 28
5.2.1液压泵的安装方式 29
5.2.2液压泵与电机的联接 29
5.2.3电机的安装 30
5.3 其它辅助元件的选择 30
5.3.1液位计的选择 30
5.3.2空气过滤器的选 31
5.3.3管路与管接头的选择 31
5.3.4布置液压系统管道时的注意事项 31
结论 33
致谢 34
参考文献 35
前 言