摘 要
陶瓷坯料成型机液压系统设计课题主要研究的内容为陶瓷坯料成型机液压系统工作原理以及工作时的动作顺序和工况分析。另外各部分元器件的参数计算及型号的合理选择。主要设计内容有集成块的设计,集成块上钻孔以及配合各类液压阀快的安装,集成块底板和顶盖的设计,液压缸的内外径计算以及型号的选择,油箱容积计算、尺寸选择及其整体设计,液压站的设计。主要实现陶瓷坯料成型机的无极调速,其结构简单、效率高;操作调节与维护都较为方便;另外还可以降低人工疲劳强度,更可靠、更实用。本次液压系统的系统压力为2.5 Mpa,通过压力表显示数值,从而使该装置更直观和人性化。
Ceramic molding machine hydraulic system design
The graduation design topic is the ceramic blank forming machine hydraulic system design, including the main research content for the ceramic blank forming machine hydraulic system working principle and its action at work order and the analysis of working condition. In addition, the parameter calculation of components and each part models of rational choice are also analyzed. The design of the main design content are integrated block, integrated block drilling and meet all kinds of hydraulic valve installation, integrated piece of floor and roof design, hydraulic cylinder diameter calculation and model selection, tank volume calculation, size selection and the overall design, the design of the hydraulic station. It mainly realize infinitely the adjustable-speed ceramic billet forming machine with more simple structure and higher efficiency. It is more convenient when adjusting, operatizing and doing maintenance. Besides, it can reduce labor fatigue strength, be more reliable and more practical. The system of the hydraulic system pressure is 2.5 MPa, and be able to shows values through the pressure gauge making this device more intuitive and humanization.
As the content of this design is widespread, this topic applies to different professional knowledge, which are mainly about hydraulic transmission design and mechanical design. The purpose is not only accomplishing a design of practical device, but also strengthening the designer's professionalism and the ability of completing tasks. This design mainly uses CAD drawing software. At the same time, it makes the best use of information and manuals of hydraulic system, transmission design and mechanical design and atlas and according to the objective reality, improve the ceramic blank forming machine hydraulic system design.
Key words: Ceramic; Blank forming machine; The hydraulic system; The transmission control
目 录
1 总体方案设计 1
1.1 设计简介及要求 1
1.1.1 设计题目 1
1.1.2 设计技术要求 1
1.2 液压系统概述 1
1.2.1 液压系统的组成 1
1.2.2 液压系统的工作原理 2
1.2.3 液压系统的优缺点 3
2 液压系统设计与计算 4
2.1 设计原则及依据 4
2.1.1 液压系统的设计原则 4
2.1.2 液压系统的设计依据 4
2.2 液压系统参数的设计计算 4
2.2.1 系统工作压力及负载确定 4
2.2.2 液压泵和电动机规格及阀型号确定 4
3 液压缸的设计计算 7
3.1 液压缸参数计算 7
3.1.1 液压缸工作压力的确定 7
3.1.2 液压缸几何参数确定 7
3.1.3 活塞杆直径选择及验算 9
3.1.4 液压缸流量计算 10
3.1.5 液压缸长度及壁厚确定 10
3.2 液压缸结构设计 11
3.2.1 液压缸缸体端部联接型式 11
3.2.2 活塞与活塞杆的联接方式 12
3.2.3 活塞与缸体的密封结构 12
3.2.4 活塞杆的导向、密封和防尘 13
3.3.5 液压缸的缓冲装置 13
3.3 液压缸的主要零件的材料和技术要求 14
3.3.1 缸体 14
3.3.2 缸盖 14
3.3.3 活塞 15
3.3.4 活塞杆 15
4 集成块装置的设计 16
4.1 概述及特点 16
4.1.1 集成块的一般结构 16
4.1.2 集成块的特点 16
4.2 集成块设计 17
4.2.1 集成块设计的一般原则和步骤 17
4.2.2 集成块的设计 18
4.3 集成块的材料和主要技术要求 20
5 液压站的设计 21
5.1 油箱的设计 21
5.1.1 油箱有效容积的确定 21
5.1.2 油箱容积的验算 22
5.1.3 油箱的结构设计 22
5.2 液压泵的设计 24
5.2.1 液压泵的安装方式 24
5.2.2 液压泵与电机的联接 25
5.2.3 液压站结构设计的注意事项 25
6 其它辅助元件的选择 27
6.1 管路和管接头的选择 27
6.2 滤油器的设计选择 28
6.3 空气过滤器的选择 28
6.4 液位计的选择 29
结 论 30
致 谢 31
参考文献 32