摘 要
The structure design of the woodworking plate brush.
Woodworking plate brushing machine is the main equipment for surface brushing of fiberboard and particleboard. At present, there are very few brushing machines to be used on the surface of the plate, and the traditional brushing machine is mainly used for the surface brushing of the paper. So the structure of woodworking board brush light machine still has big improvement space, the performance still needs to improve. With the improvement of automation, the traditional plate surface brushing technology can not meet the requirements of modern wood production. So it is very important to study woodworking board brushing machine. It can produce better quality, lower cost and more suitable plate products in a short time. It not only effectively improves the production efficiency but also greatly reduces the labor intensity of the workers.
The design of this thesis is based on the mechanical design technology, with the mechanical transmission technology as the core of the woodworking plate brushing machine. The structure design of the brushing machine also involves the knowledge of mechanical calculation, processing and manufacturing process. The structure of woodworking plate brush is mainly composed of frame, adjusting brush roller, press roller, adjusting seat, frame, support frame, transmission motor and driving wheel. Design of the brushing machine frame on the whole mainly use the closed type steel plate welding structure and screw nut connection. This simple structure manufacturing convenient processing. This article mainly discusses the brushing machine structure design, and the structure of the important components of the brushing machine, stiffness, strength design is analyzed and calculated. Mainly used in the design of the SolidWorks software engineering drawings.
Key words:Brushing machine; Structural design; Force analysis; Machinery manufacturing
1 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 刷光机的发展和研究情况 1
1.3 研究的意义及目的 3
1.4 刷光机的主要特点及类型 4
1.5 特色与创新 4
1.6 研究内容 5
1.7 本章小结 6
2 木工刷光机结构总体方案的设计 7
2.1 设计的总体原则 7
2.2 刷光机的结构设计 7
2.3 机架的设计 9
2.4 吸尘装置的设计 17
2.5 辊结构的设计 17
2.6 调节座的设计 22
2.7 传动装置设计 23
2.8 电机的选择 25
2.9 本章小结 27
3 刷光机结构部件强度校核及有限元分析 28
3.1齿轮 28
3.2轴承 30
3.3轴头的校核 31
3.4立柱的有限元分析 33
3.4本章小结 33
结论 34
致 谢 35
参考文献: 36
1 绪论
- 引言
木材是人们生产生活中必不可少的材料。随着经济的发展、社会的进步和工厂设备自动化程度的提高,人们对板材的质量要求也日益提高。如今,木工板材业、家具工业、人造板材工业、建筑装潢业飞速发展,人们对板材表面的刷光工艺越来越重视。板材的表面光滑度是影响木制品外观的主要因素,而刷光工艺对板材表面光滑度起决定性作用。传统的刷光工艺已不能满足人们的需求,在此背景下,一种可以根据木工板材的加工要求,以相应的方式,应用刷辊、压辊等进行加工的设备-刷光机应运而生。木工板材刷光机具有效率高,磨具为刷辊上的毛刷。毛刷均匀且直立的分布于刷辊轴上,定向整齐排列,毛刷与板材表面为柔性接触,磨削热产生少且散热性能好。刷光机的特点是适应性强、加工效率高、加工质量高,而且可以提高板材的尺寸精度,可以加工各种宽窄板材各种平面,适用于大规模生产。刷光机可以消除人造板材的薄弱层和板材结构的不对称性,清除板材表面的各种污染,利于下一道工序的进行。与传统的刨床加工相比,刷光机可以大大减少了刨床加工刨刀所造成的木材撕裂、表面损坏现象。而且使用刷光机还可以节约资源,减少坯料的尺寸,并且消除了刨床工作时的不安全因素,大大减少了噪声大 、 精度低等缺点。实现了板材生产的连续化、高速化和自动化,其具有较大的经济意义和时代意义。
- 刷光机的发展和研究情况
- 刷光机的国内外发展状况
- 刷光机的发展和研究情况