
 2021-04-07 12:04

摘 要

快速成型(RP)技术是九十年代发展起来的一项先进制造技术,是为制造业企业新产品开发服务的一项关键性技术, 对促进企业产品创新、缩短新产品开发周期、提高产品竞争力有积极的推动作用。快速成型在无需准备任何模具、刀具和工装卡具的情况下,直接接受产品设计(CAD)数据,快速制造出新产品的样件、模具或模型。因此,RP技术的推广应用可以大大缩短新产品开发周期、降低开发成本、提高开发质量。RS系列SLA激光快速成型机是国内快速成型制造设备的典型代表之一。SLA(光固化快速成型)快速成型加工方法不同于传统的加工方法,其制造的零件是用增材法制成的一次性成形件。SLA方法是目前快速成形技术领域中研究得最多的方法,也是技术上最为成熟的方法。具有成型速度快、成型精度高、表面质量好、处理简单省时等优点,广泛应用于航空航天、汽车、医疗、机械加工、家电、工艺品制作等行业。


关键词:SLA 快速成型机 机械系统设计 CATIA Autocad


Rapid prototyping (RP) technology is an advanced manufacturing technology developed in the ninety's, which is one of the key technologies for the development of new products and manufacturing enterprises, to promote enterprise product innovation, shorten the development cycle of new products, improve product competitiveness is positive in action. Rapid prototyping in the need for any moulds, tooling and fixtures, directly to product design (CAD) data, rapid manufacturing of new products samples, mold, or model. Therefore, the promotion and application of RP technology can greatly shorten the development cycle of new products, reduce development costs, improve development quality. RS series of SLA laser rapid forming machine is a typical representative of the rapid prototyping manufacturing equipment. SLA rapid prototyping method is different from the traditional processing methods, the manufacture of parts with one-time forming increasing material prepared by the. The SLA method is the most rapid forming method in the technical field of study most, the most mature method and technology. With the fast forming speed, high shaping accuracy, good surface quality, simple and timesaving, widely used in aerospace, automotive, medical, mechanical processing, home appliances, handicrafts and other industries.

The design of the SLA rapid prototyping machine mechanical system mainly consists of three parts: First, the Z-axis lift system, to complete this part of the main parts of the support and movement in the Z axis direction function, using precision ball screw drive, to ensure its positioning accuracy; Second F-axis level control system, the main function of the level when the level value and the set value of deviation occurs, level control body movements, thereby maintaining a constant liquid level, also using precision ball screw drive ensure repeatability processing; the last one is the B-axis coating institutions in each scan before the next layer, scraper spreader once, in order to ensure uniform thickness coating surface, smooth, mainly by the scraper, Timing with the other components.

Keywords: SLA ;Rapid prototyping ;Mechanical system design ;CATIA ; Autocad ;


摘 要 2

第一章 绪论 5

1.1 课题的提出 5

1.2 SLA成型机设计概述 8

第二章 SLA快速成型机机床总体方案设计 18

2.1 设计所需数据 18

2.2机械系统的方案确定 18

2.3 设计步骤 19

2.4成型机外部尺寸的设计 20

第三章 SLA快速成型机机械系统的设计计算 21

3.1 滚珠丝杠副的设计与计算 21

3.11滚珠丝杠副传动的特点 21

3.1.2 滚珠丝杠的主要尺寸参数、精度等级及支承形式 21

3.1.3 Z轴滚珠丝杠副的计算与选型 22

3.2 步进电动机的选择与计算 25

3.2.1 步进电动机的特点 25

3.2.2 步进电机的计算选型 25

3.3 滚动导轨副的设计与计算 29

3.3.1导轨传动的特点 29

3.3.2 滚动导轨副的计算与选型 30

3.4 同步齿形带的设计与计算 31

3.4.1 同步齿形带传动的特点 31

3.4.2 同步齿形带的设计计算 32

3.5 联轴器的选择 34

3.5.1选择联轴器的类型 35

3.5.2确定联轴器的型号 35

3.6 轴承的选择 36

3.6.1选用轴承的特点 36

3.6.2 选用轴承的型号 36

第四章SLA成型机零部件的校核 38

4.1 滚珠丝杠的校核 38

4.1.1 刚度的校核 38

4.1.2 滚珠丝杠的稳定性验算 39

4.2 步进电动机的性能校核 40

4.2.1 最快工进速度时电动机时输出转矩校核 40

4.2.2 最快空载移动时电动机输出转矩校核 40

4.2.3 最快空载移动时电动机运行频率校核 40

4.2.4 起动频率的校核 40

4.3 同步齿形带的工作能力验算 41

第五章 结论 42

致谢 43

参考文献 44



1.1 课题的提出



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