摘 要
Vertical Lifting Mechanical Parking System
Mechanical parking equipment, is an effective means to solve urban parking, is being widely used in various occasions.
In the access to relevant information, this paper takes a careful analysis and research parking system for vertical lifting firstly and the situation and characteristics of vertical lifting parking system introduced briefly. Then discussed research on the overall structure of the vertical lift garage. Selected rack and pinion as a lateral access mode, and the wire reel as lifting mechanism.
After the completion of the design of the overall framework, access to the garage began agencies carried out a detailed study. After considering the requirements for parking space and layout, and analyzed to determine the specific structure in line and car carrier board with national standards garage. Then discussed after the rotation mechanism and the sliding mechanism which focuses on the relevant circumstances into the garage.
Lifting mechanism is an important part of the garage. The lifting mechanism, the researchers discussed and selected the main ways of lifting, traction analyze the impact factors and towing capacity, calculate and check. In the garage lifting mechanism, AC variable frequency motor selection is based on the main work characteristics of the motor. Considered about the safe operation, due to the limited of capacity, is failed to achieve, but the process of discussed in perspective makes us to have a more concrete understanding of garage.
Outside, I used ProE for modeling, simulation during the design according to the specific characteristics of three-dimensional garage, combined with the scope of their ability.
Key Words: Vertical Lifting Mechanical Parking System; Access mechanism; Lifting mechanism; Modeling and Simulation
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题的背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究发展现状 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 2
1.2.2 国内研究现状 3
1.3立体车库概述 4
1.4立体车库发展趋势 4
2 立体车库总体结构研究 6
2.1 概况 6
2.1.1立体车库类型 6
2.2 垂直升降式 7
2.3 车库整体方案 8
2.4 升降机构的选取 9
2.5 存取机构的选取 9
3 存取机构的研究设计 12
3.1 概况 12
3.2 旋转机构 12
3.3 载车板 13
3.4 横移装置 13
4 升降机构的研究设计 14
4.1 概况 14
4.2 电机功率的计算和选型 14
4.3 钢丝绳选型 15
4.4 卷筒的计算 17
4.5 滑轮的设计 18
4.6 提升传动轴的计算 19
5 立体车库钢结构设计 20
5.1 概况 20
5.2 焊缝连接要求 20
5.3 立体车库钢结构分析校核 21
6 校核计算 25
6.1 轴的校核 25
6.1.1 按弯扭合成强度条件校核轴 25
6.1.2 精确校核轴的疲劳强度 27
6.1.3 平移轴的校核 30
6.2 轴承的校核 30
6.2.1 横移轴承的校核 30
6.2.2 其他轴承的校核 32
6.3 联轴器的选择 32
6.3.1 升降电机减速器轴轴端处 32
6.3.2 横移电机减速轴器轴端处 33
结 论 34
致 谢 35
参考文献 36
1 绪论
1.1 课题的背景和意义
随着中国城市经济的快速发展和汽车产业,越来越多的家庭能够拥有汽车,与此对应的是城市停车的一大难题。北京2006年底的车库总数仅占城市机动车拥有量的8.5%,矛盾的停车环境和城市规划是非常突出的。上海的情况也很不乐观,只能满足13000辆停放路边停车兼程充斥潜在需求的情况下,高达64%的比例也不断上升。据全国15个主要城市建设和城市交通工程技术中心部停止状态调查,全市机动车保有量和停车位的比一般的4.84:1的量,这个比例为渴望“有自己的位置汽车“到成立业主并不乐观。停车难产生的原因主要是缺乏准备的城市规划。上世纪80年代初,北京当局2000年的北京车展预测短短发展70万-80万元,而实际上钟声敲响之前,新世纪以来,在北京的汽车总量是全面超过预期多于一个其中1 700万,私家车车高达45万辆。与城市交通的快速发展面前,停车设施落后也就不足为奇了。据北京建部科技发展促进中心停车场实行停车设施“欠账”应该是最保守的估计是20%-30%。