
 2021-04-07 06:04

摘 要




Design of sewage evaporator


Sewage is subject to certain pollution discharged from production and living water, due to the different sources of pollution, arising from the nature of sewage is not exactly the same, according to the nature of the different pollution, sewage are generally classified into three types: 1, domestic sewage 2, industrial wastewater 3, initial rainwater. 4, the cause of water pollution: human production activities caused by water pollution, industrial water pollution caused by the most serious. The ultimate sewage generated is that we need to deal with, can not be directly discharged. Another important reason is the increasing use of pesticides and fertilizers in recent years. Urban pollution sources are caused by the concentration of urban population, urban domestic sewage, garbage and waste gas caused by water pollution.The sewage is we need to deal with, or it will impact the environment and our lives.

Industrial production in the ultimate sewage can not be directly discharged and ultimate sewage to the evaporator concentrate evacuation to evaporation Tang natural evaporation or crystallizer crystallized into solid safe landfill. Crystalline solids need to be used as hazardous solid waste to carry out hazardous waste treatment, after the evaporation of the water we can reuse, the crystalline body can be recycled. This design is mainly aimed at the ultimate sewage treatment, the main use of the mapping software is sliodworks.

Keywords: sewage, evaporation and crystallization, principle design.

目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1课题的背景与意义 1

1.2课题研究的现状 4

1.2.1使用生物法蒸发高盐废水 4

1.2.2使用物理法蒸发高盐废水 6

1.3课题研究的主要内容 6

2污水蒸发器的原理设计 7

2.1污水蒸发器的工作原理 7

2.2污水蒸发器排气原理 8

3污水蒸发器的结构设计 10

3.1污水蒸发器的总体结构 10

3.2 304不锈钢和316不锈钢的选取 16

3.3污水蒸发器的机械工艺 17

4污水蒸发器的设计与计算 18

4.1污水蒸发器中电动机的选择 18

4.2污水蒸发器耗能的计算 19

5安装方法和使用说明 20

5.1 加工制造方法 20

5.2 安装说明 20

5.3 使用说明 20

总结 22

致谢 24

参考文献 25

1 绪 论





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