摘 要
关键字: 立体车库 智能 升降横移 钢结构
Plane mobile intelligent parking equipment
With the rapid development and development of China's economy, people's living standards continue to increase, the number of urban motor vehicle vehicles continue to increase, so that we have become more crowded city has become more dare not burden. It is imperative to study more efficient land resources and more efficient parking. Concerned about the need to vigorously strengthen the study of mechanical intelligent parking equipment, because it is to strengthen the city traffic management of the most effective measures. Mechanical intelligent parking equipment can be placed on the ground or underground; the overall structure of the compact design, space utilization is high; can maximize the use of land resources.
This paper studies the plane mobile intelligent parking equipment, taking into account the two factors of mechanical manufacturing costs and operational efficiency. In full understanding of the status quo and development trends at home and abroad on the basis of the choice of three layers of 8 parking spaces. Plane mobile intelligent parking equipment is generally divided into three parts. Including the garage body part, the transmission mechanism part and the control part. This article is mainly on the garage of the frame part of the body and the transmission part of a detailed description of the control part also made some simple introduction. This paper strictly follows the basic principle of mechanical design, using the basic principle of lifting and traversing, taking full account of some problems existing in the current mechanical garage, and carried out a comprehensive analysis of the frame and transmission equipment, including the strength of the steel material of the frame Analysis and structural analysis; strength check of the transmission shaft, bearing strength check and service life; selection of motor, coupling and reducer in traverse device and trolley: strength of ball screw in elevator nuclear. In addition, in order to be able to make parking equipment can be more safe and efficient operation, the use of advanced PLC control. For the mobile mobile parking equipment in the actual operation of the process may encounter some problems, according to the state on the mechanical parking equipment on the general safety requirements of the standard, but also increased the corresponding solution, such as anti-fall device, brake device And parallel devices and so on. Maximize the protection of users' lives and property.
Key words:Three-dimensional garage intelligent Lift up and down Steel structure
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1平面移动式智能停车设备的研究背景及重要意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2重要意义 1
1.2平面移动智能停车设备国内外的发展状况 1
1.2.1国内发展状况 1
1.2.2国外发展状况 2
1.3 平面移动式智能停车设备的设计要求 2
2.平面移动式智能停车设备总体方案的选定 3
2.1平面移动式智能停车设备简介 3
2.2平面移动式智能停车设备的总体方案设计 4
3.车库的钢体结构 6
3.1 车库 6
3.1.1车库的组成 6
3.1.2车架的具体设计 6
3.2停车台 7
4 升降装置 9
4.1升降装置总体设计 9
4.1.1曳引机简介 9
4.1.2 升降装置总体安装 9
4.1.3曳引机的使用条件 10
4.2升降装置的具体设计 11
4.2.1曳引机选择和校核 11
4.2.2电机的选择 15
4.2.3减速器的选择 16
4.2.4 制动器的选择 17
5 横移机构和搬运小车 18
5.1横移机构 18
5.1.1横移机构总体设计 18
5.1.2横移装置电机的选择 18
5.1.3横移装置减速器的选择 19
5.1.4横移装置轴的选择和校核 20
5.2搬运小车 22
5.2.1搬运小车的总体设计 22
5.2.2搬运小车电机的选择 23
5.2.3搬运小车减速器的选择 24
5.2.4搬运小车轴的选择 24
5.2.5轴的定位 25
5.3根据电机和减速器选择合适的联轴器和键 26
6 关键零部件的选择和校核 28
6.1滚动轴承的选择和校核 28
6.2齿轮的选择与校核 30
6.3液压升降系统的选择 32
结 论 34
致 谢 35
参考文献: 36
1 绪论
平面移动式智能停车设备具有整体结构设计紧凑,层高低,空间利用率高,可以实现同时停放数百台,甚至上千台的车辆,大大提高了土地的使用效率,降低单车位的停车成本。比如建造一个可以停放50辆车的塔式车库,就只需要50m2的土地,相当于停1辆车只1m2 土地。另外平面移动式智能停车设备还具备安装,拆卸方便,可以与城市环境、绿化或者人防工程进行有机的结合,能充分地利用地下、地上的空间。最后平面移动式智能停车设备采用先进的PLC系统控制,自动化程度高,车辆的存取速度快并且停放车辆是无需倒车,掉头等动作,设计灵活,造型多样,投资少,成本及保养费用低,控制操作方便;清洁环保,符合绿色低碳的社会生活方式。
我国的汽车工业发展起始于改革以后,加速发展于21 世纪。与欧洲、日本、韩国等国相比 ,我国的立体停车起步晚,发展了将近 30 年的时间。在整个发展过程中,前期的发展一直很慢,到20世纪末、21世纪初,全国的机械式立体车库的销售量、安装量也近乎零【2】,平面移动式智能停车设备仍然没有得到广泛应用。我国立体停车设备业发展缓慢的原因有两个:首先是立体停车设备缺少政策扶持;其次是缺少资金,在项目开发中,仅靠生产停车设备一家投资人,一家承担风险。但是在大城市的繁华地带,建立立体车库实际上带有一定公益事业型,应该由地方政府,开发商和生产停车设备的企业共同开发共同投资共同担风险【3】,逐渐迈向提升科技含量的新阶段。
1.3 平面移动式智能停车设备的设计要求