摘 要
Special welding robot
Welding work has become a "tailor" in the industry, is a very important industrial production in a round of processing links, while the welding process due to the presence of dust, arc, metal splash, welding work environment is very bad, the quality of welding quality The quality of the product play a decisive role. The use of welding robot can stabilize and improve the quality of welding to ensure the uniformity of welding, improve the efficiency of labor production, improve the working conditions and working environment of workers, clear the production cycle, easy to control product output, greatly reducing the product with the new generation Cycle, effectively reducing investment in equipment. So now the welding robot is widely used, occupy the total number of industrial robots more than 40%.
In the design process of welding robot, the introduction of CAD / CAM technology based on Pro / Engineer can effectively shorten the development cycle of welding robot, reduce the R amp; D cost of welding robot and improve the reliability of the robot. Therefore, the use of Pro / E welding robot to the welding robot design, assembly, simulation, analysis, can effectively ensure the quality of welding robot, improve production efficiency, to promote the continuous development of welding robot parts, speed up the upgrading of products
This design is based on Pro / E software to explore the computer aided design method of welding robot and analyze and assemble the welding robot with the powerful simulation function of Pro / E software to ensure the accuracy and rationality of the structure of welding robot.
Key words: Welding;robot; Kinematics
1.绪论 1
1.1Por/E的简介 1
1.2机械手的简介 2
1.2.1选题的背景 2
1.2.2 选题的意义 3
1.3焊接机械手的发展状况 4
2.焊接机械手的分析 5
2.1焊接机械手的自由度 5
2.2 焊接机机械手的驱动方式选择 6
2.3焊接机械手的传动方式选择 8
2.4焊接机械手的控制方式 10
3.焊接机械手的模型建立 14
3.1零件的建模 14
3.1.1主要零件图 14
3.1.2部分部件的装配 16
3.2 焊接机械手的整体装配 18
4.工程图的绘制 20
4.1装配图的转换方法 20
4.2零件图的转换 21
5.焊接机械手的技术经济分析 23
5.1 技术分析 23
5.2经济分析 24
6.结论 25
致谢 26
参考文献 27