摘 要
With the rapid development of modern industrial technology, especially with its rapid development within the field of automation, machine tool research has become themachinery manufacturing sector is an important direction. Industrial use in the present, most machines are designed and manufactured in large quantities by a combination machine tool completed. Machine tool is based on the realities of industrial production in the processing of different parts needed to based on a large number of common components, together with a small amount of special components which consists of an efficient machine.
The design of the tapping machine tool to complete a particular part-D180 enclosure 8 screw holes on the processing. Based on the positioning of the workpiece selection and analytical techniques, and process plans for parts, process diagrams, dimensions and productivity tools to contact this calculations cards "three maps of a card " of the analysis, the overall design of the machine tool program .
Bed in the middle is a combination of machine tool base and other supporting components, play a machine based skeleton. Machine tool parts between rigidity and to maintain the accuracy, primarily guaranteed by these parts.
Design process involves a large number of rigorous mathematical calculations, to ensure the rationality of machine tool design and machine precision and quality.
Key words: D180;machine tool; the "three maps of a card"; accuracy
目录 3
1 方案讨论及总体设计 4
1.1 组合机床设计要求 4
1.1.1液压驱动 4
1.1.2工艺方案的拟定 5
1.1.3 工序间余量的确定 6
1.1.4 刀具结构的选择 6
1.2 切削用量的确定 7
1.3缸体左侧6个M6的孔的加工工序图 7
1.4 液压滑台的设计计算 8
1.5 加工示意图 10
1.5.1 加工示意图的作用和内容 10
1.5.2选择刀具、导向及有关计算 10
1.6机床联系尺寸总图 14
1.6.1 机床联系尺寸总图的作用与内容 14
1.6.2 绘制机床联系尺寸总图之前应确定的主要内容 14
2 机床夹具设计 16
2.1夹紧装置的组成和基本要求; 16
2.2定位方式 17
3 多轴箱设计 17
3.1多轴箱的组成 17
3.2轴、齿轮、轴套的设计 18
3.2.1 攻螺纹主轴设计 18
3.2.2通用传动轴 18
3.2.3通用齿轮和套 19
3.2.4主轴型式和直径、齿轮模数的确定 19
3.3多轴箱的动力计算 19
3.4 对多轴箱传动的一般要求 20
3.5润滑泵轴和手柄轴的安置 20
3.6 多轴箱传动系统拟定 21
3.7传动系统的校核计算 22
3.7.1传动轴的校核 22
3.7.2验算中心距误差 23
3.7.3 其他零件校核 23
3.8 攻螺纹装置 24
3.9攻螺纹靠模机构 25
3.10 直线式攻螺纹行程控制机构 27
4 液压系统的设计 27
5 PLC控制系统设计 29
5.1.可编程控制器概述 29
5.1.1.可编程控制器的定义和特点 29
5.1.2.基本结构 30
5.1.3.PLC的工作方式 31
5.1.4.PLC的发展 31
5.2.动作循环图 32
5.3.端子分配图 33
5.3.1.PLC的选型 33
5.3.2.端子分配图 33
5.4.梯形图设计 35
5.4.1.梯形图设计规则 35
5.4.2.梯形图设计 36
5.5.程序设计 38
5.5.1.PLC的指令系统 38
5.5.2.指令表 38
总结 40
致 谢 41
参考文献 42
1 方案讨论及总体设计
1.1 组合机床设计要求