
 2021-04-27 09:04

摘 要

针对手提式高枝修剪机在现代林业生产中的应用现状, 阐述了手提式高枝修剪机在国内外的发展历程。通过对国内外高枝修剪设备对比分析,得出了国外主要以便携式高枝修剪机为主,并且不断向着小型化、多样化发展,而国内则主要以手动型高枝修剪设备为主,承担高枝修剪作业的仍以人工为主,手提式高枝修剪机械研究相对落后,能够完成6m以上杨树枝干修剪作业的机械几乎是空白。通过对现有手提式高枝修剪机具有的优点以及存在的缺陷的分析,设计了能够修剪6m以上杨树枝干的手提式高枝修剪机。修剪机由利用1.0kw的单缸、风冷、二冲程汽油发动机改装的小型发电机提供动力。由于采用一级轻质伸缩杆件作为支杆,手提式高枝修剪机的伸缩高度可达2.5m-4.2m,完全足以满足修剪6m以上高枝的要求。工作头部分选用0.8kw,转速可达2800r/min的小型直流电动机,动力由底部的发电机组提供。并最终通过圆锥齿轮、轴承、传动轴、链轮等零件的传动带动锯链的旋转,完成枝干的修剪。手提式高枝修剪机的导板选用的是标准的14寸导板,能够修剪直径为5-10cm的枝干。由于设计时选用的均为轻质材料,大大降低了整机的质量。


Portable high sticks pruning Design


Application Status for portable high sticks trimmer modern forestry production, elaborated portable high sticks in the development process trimmer and abroad. By contrast high sticks pruning equipment at home and abroad analysis, obtained abroad mainly in portable high sticks pruning machine-based, and continuously toward miniaturization, diversification, while domestic mainly manually type high sticks pruning equipment, mainly undertake high sticks pruning job The artificial still mainly hand-held pruning high branches mechanical research is relatively backward, to complete more than 6m poplar branches pruning job machine is almost blank. Through the existing portable high sticks pruning machine has advantages and analyzed for the presence of defects in the design of the poplar branches can be pruned more than 6m portable high branches trimmers. 1.0kw trimmer by the use of single-cylinder, air-cooled, two-stroke gasoline engine converted a small generator to provide power. Thanks to a lightweight telescopic rods as struts, portable high sticks trimmer telescopic height up to 2.5m-4.2m, more than enough to meet the trim requirements of more than 6m high branches. Work first part of the selection 0.8kw, speed up to 2800r / min of small DC motor, powered by the bottom of the generator set. And finally through bevel gears, bearings, shaft, and other parts of the drive sprocket is rotated saw chain, complete pruning branches. Portable high sticks trimmer guide the selection of a standard 14-inch guides can trim branches 5-10cm in diameter. Designed with lightweight materials are chosen, which degrades the quality of the machine.

Key words:Portable;Power Systems;Telescopic rod;Working head

目 录

1 绪论 - 1 -

1.1 研究背景 - 1 -

1.2 研究的目的及意义 - 2 -

1.3 国内外发展现状 - 3 -

1.3.1 国外发展现状 - 3 -

1.3.2 国内发展状况 - 5 -

2 设计要求及方案确定 - 8 -

2.1 设计要求 - 8 -

2.2 总体方案确定 - 8 -

3 手提式高枝修剪机结构设计 - 11 -

3.1 动力系统的设计 - 11 -

3.1.1 汽油发动机的选型 - 11 -

3.1.2 汽油发动机的改装 - 11 -

3.2 伸缩杆的设计 - 11 -

3.3 传动系统地设计 - 11 -

3.3.1 电动机的选型 - 12 -

3.3.2 轴的相关计算 - 13 -

3.3.3 轴承的选择 - 20 -

3.3.4 链轮的设计 - 24 -

3.3.5 导板和据链的选型 - 28 -

结论 - 30 -

致谢 - 31 -

参考文献 - 32 -

绪 论

1.1 研究背景

随着经济的发展,人民生活水平不断提高,消费观念不断改变,对房屋的装修提出了更高的要求。木材作为重要的装饰材料,需求必将日益扩大。1999年我国商品材消费量为1.43亿立方米,与1981年的7560万立方米相比将近翻了一倍,年递增4%。 2005年木材需求量为2.8亿立方米,据预测,2015年木材需求量为3.0亿立方米,每年缺口木材及木制品约1亿立方米,木材总量供给不足的矛盾将长期存在。由于各国都强调生态保护,限制天然林的采伐,限制林产品的出品,因此依靠进口木材填补我国木材需求缺口越来越不现实,大力发展速生丰产人工用材林,是解决我国木材供需矛盾的唯一途径。


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