摘 要
Design of control system of high precision NC rotary cutting machine
PTFE, PTFE, it is a kind of artificial synthesis of high molecular materials used for all the hydrogen atoms in the fluorine substituted polyethylene. Commonly known as "non stick coating". This material has the resistance to acid and alkali resistance, the characteristics of a variety of organic solvents, almost insoluble in all solvents. At the same time, PTFE has the characteristics of high temperature resistance, its friction coefficient is very low, so it can be used as a lubricant, but also become easy to clean the inner layer of the ideal paint. PTFE, also known as the king of plastic, chemical stability, resistance to atmospheric aging, high mechanical strength, and has the most resistant to chemical corrosion in the plastic, the best dielectric properties. Therefore, PTFE is widely used in life and production.
At present, the rotary cutting machine is widely used in the manufacture of the teflon film. And for processing polytetrafluoroethylene rotary cutting machine is mostly through the modification of woodworking rotary cutting machine, the machine tool spindle rotation, make part of a power driven tool through the use of multistage gear transmission feed, adjusting rotary cut veneer thickness to change corresponding to the hanging wheel, rotary cutting accuracy is low, peeling thickness regulation level and other shortcomings, is due to the transmission gears and other mechanical parts, assembly and lubrication requirements are very high, peeling of the products is difficult to meet the polytetrafluoroethylene film market is more and more thin demand.
The research content is: high precision CNC rotary cutting machine automatic control system, it is a kind of special NC system based on PLC and motion control module, completely abandoned the original mechanic or a happy light type of a digital system. The spindle rotation and the feed drive separately, composition with the pneumatic system, completed by PLC to precise control of the rotary tool feed rate, originally the role of cam with high performance PLC instead, greatly improves the control precision, can effectively overcome the shortcomings of the ordinary lathe, in order to achieve the use of PLC Technology and sensor technology from on the expected cut off the full realization of electromechanical integration and automatic control, and can significantly improve the feed precision of transmission system, stepless accurately adjustable rotary cutting thickness specifications. It not only reduces the workload of workers to debug and install, but also improves the production efficiency.
Key words:PTFE; CNC rotary cutting machine; programmable controller; frequency conversion control
目 录
第一章绪论 - 1 -
1.1课题的研究背景和研究意义 - 1 -
1.2数控旋切机的国内外研究现状 - 2 -
1.2.1数控旋切机的国外研究现状 - 2 -
1.3方案背景技术简介 - 3 -
1.3.1数控技术的现状与发展 - 4 -
1.4本课题的主要研究内容 - 5 -
1.5本章小结 - 6 -
第二章数控旋切机系统特性及控制要求 - 7 -
2.1旋切机简介 - 7 -
2.2数控旋切机的结构形式 - 8 -
2.3数控旋切机的特点 - 12 -
2.4数控旋切机的控制要求 - 13 -
第三章数控旋切机电控系统的硬件设计 - 14 -
3.1系统概述 - 14 -
3.2数控旋切机电控系统的方案设计 - 14 -
3.3电控系统的下位机硬件设计 - 17 -
3.3.1下位机(PLC) - 17 -
3.3.2变频器 - 18 -
3.3.3 伺服驱动器 - 20 -
3.3.4上位机 - 22 -
3.3.5 PLC与伺服驱动器接线 - 22 -
3.3.6 PLC的输入/输出电器接线图 - 24 -
3.4本章小结 - 25 -
第四章 数控旋切机控制系统的软件设计 - 26 -
4.1数控旋切机控制系统软件设计方案 - 26 -
4.2下位机PLC程序设计 - 26 -
4.3 PLC地址分配 - 28 -
4.3.1 软件设计 - 28 -
4.4本章小结 - 35 -
第五章结论与展望 - 36 -
5.1主要研究工作及结论 - 36 -
5.2本课题的展望 - 36 -
聚四氟乙烯是含有含有氟原子的一种四氟乙烯的高聚物 ,具有高低温范围广泛化学稳定性、电绝缘性,润滑性自润滑性的耐大气老化性能优良,以及不燃性和极小的吸水性等优异特性,是综合性能十分优良的工程素材。正因为聚四氟乙烯的这些特点,所以在工业生产和日常生活中都有广泛运用。现在工业生产的聚四氟乙烯薄膜都是用经过改装的木工旋切机通过加工成为薄膜,木板旋切精度,厚度很难达到要求,并且这种旋切机的机构很复杂多达7级传动,传动装置组装和润滑要求很高,通过PLC实现机电一体化控制旋切机的传动,可以改善聚四氟乙烯的质量不高,成本效率低的情况,为传动的级数、精确性、均匀和厚度方面提供了保障。