摘 要
The topic of this paper is: "broken bamboo bamboo V-shaped supporting device, which designed in this paper can effectively solve the currently old broken bamboo machine safety, reliability, durability not security issues. From the point of view of broken bamboo bamboo V-shaped supporting device is designed, the structure of simple design and convenient use, can obtain the widespread application in the broken bamboo.
And because of the length of the machine and machine in this paper, the broken bamboo bamboo V-shaped supporting device for the main structure, working principle and characteristics of the main parts of the size of the design and strength check. The broken bamboo bamboo V-shaped supporting device of main parts design, is known in productivity, bamboo and bamboo diameter selection of design. In the work process, if the broken bamboo, bamboo centering assembly is stuck, not completely remove pushing plate assembly along the channel, bamboo centering assembly will push plate combination parts collided, bamboo centering combination will be bumped to fly, even will cause a major accident, also, when pushing plate assembly Start breaking the bamboo knife will push the bamboo, bamboo to be formed in the support plate I and II support plate V-shaped support glide, if at this time of the bamboo a day is located just near the bamboo centering assembly and bamboo in the V-shaped support glide when beating. Therefore, to improve numerical broken bamboo bamboo supporting mechanism of reliability, safety and durability, it is necessary to invent more reliable, safer, stronger durability of bamboo tube supporting device.
Key words: supporting device; size design; strength check
目 录
前 言 5
1 设计简介及任务 7
1.1 设计内容及要求 7
1.1.1 题目名称 7
1.1.2 设计要求 7
2 背景技术分析 8
3 破竹机竹筒V形支乘装置的设计 9
3.1 支撑装置的结构形式 9
3.2 支承装置的工作原理 9
3.3 支承装置的特点 10
4 零部件设计与选择 11
4.1 V形支承设计 11
4.2 齿轮的设计与参数 11
4.3 四杆机构的设计 12
4.4 极限位置时齿条移动的距离 13
4.5 平面凸轮的设计 13
5 设计体会 15
附录: 17
参考文献 19
前 言