摘 要
Design of Adjustable Mandrel Conveyor Based on SolidWorks
In this paper, SolidWorks software is used to design an adjustable mandrel conveyor, which transport bodies automatically. This conveyor can greatly improve the transmission speed and work efficiency, besides, it can not only release the labor intensity of workers, but also fully guarantee the safety and reliability of production and processing. This adjustable mandrel conveyor can be adjusted according to the length of the mandrel, which can make different sizes of mandrel transported to the pointed location.
According to the structure requirements of the adjustable mandrel conveyor, make an designation of transportation program. And then using SolidWorks software to make modeling based on the designation scheme. This article has introduced several important parts of the adjustable mandrel conveyor in detail. What’s more, the parts are assembled by the assembling function of SolidWorks. Due to the complexity of parts assembling about the adjustable mandrel conveyor, it’s necessary to split the whole conveyor into a frame, transmission mechanism, storage boxes and other sub-assemblies. And then assembling them into a whole conveyor. The assemble process is described in details in this article. Next exporting some important parts of engineering drawing by the SolidWorks and making some modification in Auto CAD software. In addition, in order to intuitively show the relationship between all the parts of the assembly, it’s necessary to make assembly explosion demonstration. Last but not least, it’s important to make a comprehension analysis of the adjustable mandrel conveyor and put forward the existing problems and improvements.
Key words:Mandrel Conveyor;Adjustment;Modeling;Cam Mechanism
目 录
1 前言…………………………………..………………………………………………………………1
1.1 研究背景……………………………...………………………………………………………1
1.2 国内外研究现状…………………………...…………………………………………………2
1.2.1 国内外带式输送机技术的差距………..….……………….…………………………2
1.2.2 皮带输送机的发展趋势……………………………...………………….……………2
1.3 研究的目的和意义…………………………………………...………………………………3
2 可调式芯棒输送机的结构设计………………………………………………...…………………4
2.1 可调式芯棒输送机的结构设计思路…………………………...……………………………4
2.1.1 可调式芯棒输送机的工作原理………………………………….…………………4
2.1.2 可调式芯棒输送机的运动方案设计…………………...…………….………………5
2.2 可调式芯棒输送机参数的计算与确定……………………...………………………………7
2.2.1 可调式芯棒输送机电机的选型……………………...………………………………7
2.2.2 传动轴的最小轴径的确定……………………...………………………………8
2.2.3 滚动轴承的选型及寿命计算……………………...………………………………9
2.3 可调式芯棒输送机的功能作用………………………………...…………………………11
3 基于SolidWorks的可调式芯棒输送机的零件建模…………………...………..…………….…12
3.1 SolidWorks软件介绍………………………………………………...……………………12
3.2 基于SolidWorks的产品设计………………………………………...……………………12
3.3 可调式芯棒输送机零件建模过程…………………………………...………..……………13
3.3.1 挂钩的建模过程……………………………………………...………...……………13
3.3.2 储料箱振动摆板的建模过程…………………………………………...…………15
4 SolidWorks对可调式芯棒输送机的装配……………………………………………………..……18
4.1 装配的概述……………………………………………………………..…………………18
4.2 可调式芯棒输送机的零件装配……………………………………...………………..……18
4.2.1 机架的装配过程……………………………………………...…………...…………18
4.2.2 传动机构的装配及传动过程的演示…………………………..........................……20
4.2.3 储料箱的装配……………………...……………………...…………………………23
4.2.4 可调式芯棒输送机整机的装配…………………………...……...…………………24
4.3 SolidWorks的干涉检查………………………………………………………..……………26
5 SolidWorks输出可调式芯棒输送机的工程图……………………………………..………………28
5.1 工程图概述……………………………………...…………………………………..………28
5.2 建立工程图……………………………………………………….…………………………28
5.2.1 建立可调式芯棒输送机的零件图….….……………………………………………28
5.2.2 建立可调式芯棒输送机的装配图………………………..…………………………30
6 可调式芯棒输送机的爆炸图制作…………………………………………………………………33
6.1 储料箱的爆炸图制作…………………………………..………………………...…………33
6.2 可调式芯棒输送机的爆炸图制作……………………...…………...…………...…………34
结论 ……………………………………………………...………………...…………………………35
致谢 …………………..……………………………………...……………………...……..…………36
参考文献 ……………………………………………….…………………….............................……37