摘 要
Design of virtual instrument for six-D acceleration sensor
The six-D acceleration sensor has broad application prospects in the fields of robot, aerospace, virtual reality and biomedical medicine. At present, a pre-tightening, 12-branched parallel six-dimensional acceleration sensor model is designed in China, which solves the problem of distortion of output signal of traditional six-D acceleration sensor. This means that the output signal of this parallel six-dimensional acceleration sensor is more stable. In order to collect 12 branched chain output signals, a six-dimensional acceleration sensor virtual instrument for 12-channel data acquisition is designed in this paper to collect, store and process the electrical signals generated by piezoelectric ceramics of six-D acceleration sensor.
Firstly, the paper expounds the research status of six-D acceleration sensor and virtual instrument at home and abroad through the retrieved literature, and puts forward the purpose and significance of this design. Then the design purpose of the data acquisition system is put forward, and on this basis, the overall design scheme of the data acquisition system is determined, and the overall design scheme of the data acquisition system is determined from two aspects of hardware and software.
Finally, the front panel and program block diagram of virtual instrument are designed, and the generation and acquisition of test data, data processing, data storage and query are realized. Through the analysis of experimental data, it is shown that the function of this virtual instrument is reliable and the program is stable.
Keywords: six-D acceleration sensor; 12 branched chain; virtual instrument; Data acquisition
1 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2设计的目的 1
1.3 六维加速度传感器国内外研究现状 2
1.4虚拟仪器国内外技术现状 3
1.4.1国外发展情况 4
1.4.2国内发展情况 4
1.5六维加速度传感器虚拟仪器的研究现状 5
1.6虚拟仪器的简介 7
1.6.1虚拟仪器的概念与特点 7
1.6.2虚拟仪器的优势 8
1.6.3虚拟仪器的组成原理 9
1.7设计的目的和意义 9
2 数据采集系统的方案设计 10
2.1数据采集系统的设计目的 10
2.2数据采集系统的整体设计方案 10
2.3数据采集卡简介 10
2.4数据采集系统的虚拟界面 12
2.4.1LabVIEW程序的概述 12
2.4.2LabVIEW的前面板 13
2.4.3LabVIEW的程序框图 14
2.5本章小结 17
3 实验数据采集与处理 18
3.1前面板的设计 18
3.1.1前面板采集控件 18
3.1.2前面板的布局 20
3.2程序框图的设计 21
3.2.1数据采集模块的设计 21
3.2.2数据分析及处理模块的设计 22
3.2.3数据存储模块的设计 24
3.3本章小结 25
4 实验结果分析 27
4.1实验参数设置 27
4.2实验结果分析 31
4.3本章小结 31
5 结论 33
6 致谢 34
参考文献 35
1 绪论