摘 要
Reverse reconstruction of dental plaster model based on three-dimensional scanning
Nowadays with the rapid development of medical science and technology ,the surgery of virtual reality technology takes a very important role in medical simulation system.Due to the practice model volume and patient cases, the storage of gypsum model becomes very inconvenient. So digital technology which puts model into a 3D digital model is on the stage of history. Virtual simulation surgery can simulate all kinds of characteristics of living organisms in tissue . It also provides endless experiment object,as well as strong support for reform of medical education mode, and reducing the cost of medical education.
In this study,The dental jaw was scanned by a 3D laser and thus acquired the raw data. and output editable cloud file. Dental solid model was established in the reverse engineering software CATIA, The surface editing and processing can greatly improve the geometric similarity in complex region of model structure .Dental plaster model is printed out in ZPrinter310,And to assess the model's accuracy.
The dental model construction method based on reverse engineering is more accurate ,suitable and faster compares to gypsum modulus methods.
Keywords: Three-dimensional laser; dental; point cloud; reverse engineering; CATIA
目 录
1 绪论 - 1 -
1.1 课题的背景与意义 - 1 -
1.1.1 三维建模在现代医学口腔中的应用 - 2 -
1.2 国内外相关研究现状 - 4 -
1.2.1 国内外牙颌模型三维扫描环境 - 6 -
1.2.2 国内外逆向工程研究慨况 - 6 -
1.2.3 国内逆向重建的不足 - 7 -
1.3 本文的研究内容与结构 - 7 -
1.4 本章小结 - 9 -
2 基于三维激光扫描的牙颌点云数据采集 - 10 -
2.1 引言 - 10 -
2.2 逆向工程产品设计流程简介 - 10 -
2.3 三维激光扫描简介 - 11 -
2.4 三维扫描建模方案 - 13 -
2.4.1 柯尼卡美能达扫描仪简介 - 15 -
2.5 数据获取 - 16 -
2.6 逆向工程 - 22 -
2.6.1 逆向工程简介 - 22 -
2.6.2 逆向工程实现的步骤及应用领域 - 22 -
2.7 本章小结 - 24 -
3 基于CATIA的牙颌曲面三维重建 - 25 -
3.1 引言 - 25 -
3.2 CATIA的简介 - 25 -
3.2.1 CATIA的比较及优缺点 - 25 -
3.3 三维建模过程 - 28 -
3.4 建立实体模型 - 31 -
3.5 本章小结 - 32 -
4 基于三维打印的牙颌原型加工及参数对比 - 33 -
4.1 引言 - 33 -
4.2 三维打印简介 - 33 -
4.2.1 三维打印工作原理简介 - 34 -
4.2.2 ZPrinter310打印机简介 - 36 -
4.3 牙颌模型三维打印 - 37 -
4.4 模型加工参数及牙颌骨模型的测量 - 40 -
4.5 本章小结 - 44 -
5 总结与展望 - 45 -
5.1 总结 - 45 -
5.2 展望 - 46 -
致 谢 - 47 -
参考文献 - 48 -
1 绪论
1.1 课题的背景与意义