摘 要
本设计的履带式管道焊接机器人以89C51单片机为控制核心,结合多种传感器实现功能的焊接机器人,利用反射式光电传感器检测焊缝实现焊接。电机驱动采用PWM方式进行电机的调速控制,整个系统的电路结构比较简单,可靠性能较高。移动方式上选择履带式,因为履带式移动机器人支撑面积大,接地比压小,行走机构具有抓地稳的优点,也不容易发生侧滑。 适合于松软或泥泞场地作业,下陷度小,滚动阻力小,通过性能好。
Review of Crawler type pipe welding robots
The design of the crawler pipe welding robot the 89C51 single chip microcomputer as the control core, combined with a variety of sensors to realize the function of the welding robot, the welding using reflective photoelectric sensor to detect weld. The motor driver uses the PWM method for the motor speed control, the whole system circuit structure is simple, the reliability is higher. Move selected crawler, because of the tracked mobile robot large support area, less ground pressure, walking mechanism has advantages of grasp stability, not easy to skid. Suitable for soft or muddy ground, subsidence is small, low rolling resistance, good performance.
The crawler pipe welding robot is composed of three main systems: control system, delivery system and execution system.. In the pipeline robot work impossible pipeline has been straight, will meet the required corner place, or need to avoid obstacles, therefore in the design of the pipeline welding robot control system, to control the robot avoid obstacles and realize turning function.
We choose the single-chip microcomputer control DC motor drive. In this research can we propose two schemes: first, now on the market most of the MCU will with PWM function, this MCU selection, so that both can achieve precise control, but also can save resources of single chip microcomputer. On the model of the microcontroller we choose STC89C51 microcontroller, and then software programming to achieve control.
Key words: crawler;STC89C51SCM;L298N;reflective photoelectric sensor
目 录
1 绪 论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2履带式管道焊接机器人的目的和意义 2
1.2.1研究的目的 2
1.2.2研究的意义 2
1.3履带式管道焊接机器人的国内外研究现状 3
1.3.1管道焊接机器人国内发展概况 3
1.3.2管道焊接机器人国外发展概况 3
2 方案设计与论证 5
2.1引言 5
2.2主控系统 5
2.2.1 STC89C51单片机的介绍及优点 6
2.3 电机驱动模块 8
2.3.1 电机调速控制 8
2.3.2 PWM调速工作方式的选择: 10
2.3.3 PWM调脉宽方式: 10
2.3.4 PWM软件实现 11
2.3.5 H型桥式驱动电路 12
2.4 避障模块 13
2.4.1基本参数研究和方式 13
2.4.2主要器件分析 14
2.4.3红外反射式传感器的安装 15
2.5 机械系统 16
2.5.1履带式行走机构 16
2.5.2履带转弯分析 18
2.5.3 电动机的选型 18
2.6电源模块 19
2.7本章小结 20
3 硬件设计 21
3.1 总体设计 21
3.1.1主板设计框图 21
3.2驱动电路 22
3.3信号检测模块 24
3.4主控电路 25
4 基于Solidworks的零件建模及装配体 27
4.1 电机的建模 27
4.2 齿轮以及履带的建模 27
4.3 前后齿轮传动轴的建模 28
4.4传递齿轮的建模 29
4.5车身的建模 29
4.6车架的建模 30
4.7小车的装配 30
结束语 31
致 谢 32
参考文献 33
附录 34
1 绪 论
- 引言