摘 要
关键词:加工中心立柱 三维建模 有限元分析 应力应变
动、静刚度 固有频率
Machining center pillar of three dimensional modeling and the Analysis of dynamic and static stiffness
The study is based on the topic of Jiangsu XX CNC Machine Tool Co. product TC-600 column vertical machining center . Column coupled headstock and bed, is the core structure of machine tools, machining centers are mainly affects part strength and stiffness, its structural performance directly affects the performance of the machine. Its strength and stiffness machining accuracy guarantee.
This paper has used dynamic design, the use of UG (NX6.0) software, 3D model machining center pillar, after format conversion imported into ANSYS finite element software, select 20-node hexahedral elements (solid186) unit type and seven precision meshing methods, and then applying a reasonable load and constraints based on the type of analysis to obtain the finite element analysis model. Select the appropriate solver model static and dynamic performance analysis parameters. Calculation of stress, deformation and modal parameters column. We have concluded that the total displacement of the column under static force is 0.155 * 10-4 meters, the maximum stress value by the equivalent stress is 7.02Mpa, in full compliance with the design safety requirements. Order before twenty column and the natural frequency of vibration frequencies are not identical in modal analysis environment, the resonance phenomenon does not occur, so the design is reasonable.
Carried out on the basis of optimized design, without affecting the security situation is stable situation, reducing the quality of machining center pillar, appropriate to reduce the thickness of the rib or ribs to change forms, the column is more convenient in the design and manufacture, an advantage .
Key word:
machining center column three-D modeling the finite element analysis
stress and strain dynamic and static stiffness natural frequency
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1加工中心立柱的三维建模与动静刚度分析研究目的 1
1.2本课课题主要内容 1
1.3.文献综述 2
1.3.1国内外同类研究概况 2
1.3.2 有限元分析介绍 4
2加工中心立柱的三维建模 7
3有限元分析 19
3.1加工中心立柱的静态分析 19
3.2加工中心立柱的模态分析 29
4优化设计 ……………………………………………………………………………………..37
总结与展望: 40
致谢: 41
参考文献 42
加工中心是实现制造技术和装备制造业现代化的非常重要的基础设备, 其质量、性能和拥有数量是衡量一个国家现代工业化水平甚至是综合国力的重要标志。立柱位于加工中心最关键的位置, 它的结构特点对加工中心的性能影响极大。主要表现在加工精度、切削效率、抗振性能、使用寿命等方面。所以立柱是加工中心中最重要的受力构件, 它的刚度、强度及韧性好坏将直接决定到机床的寿命和加工零件的精度。