摘 要
Eight shaft special machine tool design
Combined machine tool is a productive and special machine that is formed on the base of plentiful popular sections, matching with a little amount of special parts, according to the different needs in the realistic industry. Such procedures as drilling, boring, milling, wheting and the thread's manufacturing etc. can be completed on this machine with stable accuracy and high efficiency.
The designed machine can be used to manufacture the 8 hales on the special work piece--D180N diesel body.
During the period of designing of machining work procedure drawing, the entire technics process of the machined part should be knowned and analysed, and the orientation benchmark and fastening position of this work procedure be confirmed,and then the work procedure drawing can be drawed according to the stated drawing method of it.
After appropriate cutter and cutting dosage have been chasers by the machining request of this work procedure, and the cutting torsional square, the cutting power and axes strength have been figured out, the sketch map can be drawed.
The machine tool productivity and the whole year’s load rate can be worked out on the basis of the coaching surface dimension of this workpiece and the cutting dosage. Working journey and off working journey can be confirmed by machining sketch map, and the type and standard of the machine tool’s motive parts can be sured meeting the actual needs, and finally the machine tool’s dimension contacting map can be drawed by choosing other parts which match with the motive parts.
Special parts in this theme which required are the headstock and jig parts. Several projects should be conceived while the special parts is designing, and then the advantages and disadvantages be differenced, and finally the best project can be achieved.
The main parts refer to the part which have vital function, complicated configuration and great technology conditions required. My theme is to design the parts drawing of jig body.
Key words:Combined machine tool,drilling, jig, machine tool productivity。
目 录
前言 - 1 -
1组合机床概述 - 4 -
1.1组合机床及其特点 - 4 -
1.2组合机床的工艺范围及加工精度 - 5 -
1.3组合机床的发展趋向 - 5 -
1.3.1提高通用部件的水平 - 5 -
1.3.2发展适应中、小批生产的组合机床 - 5 -
1.3.3采用新刀具 - 5 -
1.3.4发展自动检测技术 - 5 -
1.3.5扩大工艺范围 - 5 -
1.4组合机床的通用部件 - 5 -
1.4.1通用部件简介 - 5 -
1.4.2动力滑台及动力箱 - 5 -
2组合机床总体设计 - 6 -
2.1组合机床设计的步骤 - 6 -
2.1.1拟订方案阶段 - 6 -
2.1.2技术设计阶段 - 6 -
2.1.3工作设计阶段 - 7 -
2.2组合机床工艺方案的制定 - 7 -
2.3组合机床配置形式的选择 - 7 -
2.4组合机床总体设计一三图一卡 - 8 -
2.4.1被加工零件工序图 - 8 -
2.4.2加工示意图 - 8 -
2.4.3机床联系尺寸图 - 12 -
3组合机床主轴箱部件图设计 - 16 -
3.1主轴 - 17 -
3.2传动轴 - 17 -
3.3齿轮 - 17 -
3.4传动系统的设计与计算 - 17 -
3.4.1对传动系统的要求 - 17 -
3.4.2主轴分布类型及传动系统设计 - 28 -
3.4.3计算过程 - 20 -
3.4.4主轴箱坐标计算 - 22 -
4夹具设计 - 27 -
4.1组合机床夹具概述 - 28 -
4.2组合机床夹具的总体设计 - 28 -
4.2.1组合机床夹具的设计步骤 - 28 -
4.2.2组合机床夹具结构方案的制定 - 29 -
4.2.3重要定位元件的确定 - 32 -
4.2.4夹具本体的设计 - 34 -
4.2.5夹具总图的绘制 - 35 -
4.2.6定位误差分析 - 36 -
结 论 - 36 -
致 谢 - 37 -
参考文献 - 38 -