摘 要
Design of the Hole Deburring Machine Hydraulic System
The title of this subject is design of the hole deburring machine hydraulic system. It introduces the hole with burr removing machine works, the design procedure of the machine and the design and calculation of hydraulic system. In view of the system work requirement, this article has determined the hydraulic system plan, through the determination system parameter, chooses each kind of valve chest and the hydraulic pressure part, and finally completes the hydraulic system the design. This subject puts emphasis on the design and calculation of the hydraulic system, and mainly talks about the designing and assembly of the elements of hydraulic manifold block, the designing and calculation of the hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic station.
During the procedure, CAD is applied to the design, which is more convenient and intuitive compared to the traditional methods. Integrated design shortens the development cycle, the debug cycle, and easy to modify. When design, must embark from the actual situation, unifies each transmission form organically, displays the hydraulic transmission fully the merit, the endeavor designs the structure simply, the work reliable, the cost low, the service convenient hydraulic actuation system.
This hydraulic system is a low-pressure system for its maximum pressure is no more than 2.5MPa. And the whole design is simplified for that. Finally the new machine becomes lighter, simpler and cheaper.
Keywords: deburring machine; design on hydraulic system; the whole machine design; low-pressure system.
目 录
前 言 - 1 -
1 任务要求及简介 - 2 -
1.1 设计课题及任务要求 - 2 -
1.1.1 题目名称及要求 - 2 -
1.1.2 设计技术要求 - 2 -
1.1.3 实验、数据及图纸要求 - 2 -
1.2 液压件孔去刺机简介 - 3 -
1.2.1 主机结构 - 3 -
1.2.2 液压系统工作原理 - 4 -
1.2.3 液压系统的特点 - 6 -
2 液压系统的设计与计算 - 7 -
2.1 液压系统的设计原则及依据 - 7 -
2.1.1 液压系统的设计原则 - 7 -
2.1.2 液压系统的设计依据 - 8 -
2.2 液压件孔去刺机的运动参数和动力参数 - 8 -
2.3 系统功能设计 - 9 -
2.3.1 工况分析 - 9 -
2.3.2 液压系统主要参数 - 10 -
2.3.3 液压元件设计与选择 - 13 -
3 液压缸总体设计 - 17 -
3.1 液压缸主要零件的材料及技术要求 - 17 -
3.1.1 缸筒 - 17 -
3.1.2 缸盖 - 18 -
3.1.3 活塞 - 19 -
3.1.4 活塞杆 - 19 -
3.2 液压缸结构设计 - 20 -
3.2.1 液压缸缸筒端部联接方式 - 20 -
3.2.2 活塞与活塞杆的联接方式 - 21 -
3.2.3 活塞与缸筒的密封方式 - 22 -
3.2.4 活塞杆的导向、密封和防尘 - 22 -
3.3 液压缸的设计计算 - 23 -
3.3.1 液压缸输出力 - 23 -
3.3.2 活塞杆稳定性的校核 - 24 -
3.3.3 液压缸行程及壁厚的确定 - 24 -
3.3.4 缸筒外径的计算 - 25 -
3.3.5 液压缸缸盖和缸底的计算 - 25 -
3.3.6 油口的选定 - 26 -
3.3.7 最小导向长度的计算 - 27 -
3.3.8 液压缸的缓冲排气装置 - 27 -
4 集成块的设计 - 28 -
4.1 集成块概述 - 28 -
4.1.1 集成块的结构 - 28 -
4.1.2 集成块的特点 - 29 -
4.2 集成块装置设计 - 30 -
4.2.1 集成块装置的设计步骤 - 30 -
4.2.2 集成块的确定 - 31 -
5 液压站及其辅助装置的设计 - 34 -
5.1 油箱的确定 - 34 -
5.1.1 油箱尺寸的设计 - 34 -
5.1.2 油箱结构的确定 - 34 -
5.2 液压泵装置的确定 - 37 -
5.2.1 液压泵的安装方式 - 37 -
5.2.2液压泵与电机间的联轴方式 - 38 -
5.3 其他辅助元件的确定 - 38 -
5.3.1 空气过滤器的确定 - 38 -
5.3.2 液位计的确定 - 39 -
5.3.3 管路和管接头的确定 - 40 -
5.3.4 布置管路时应注意的问题 - 40 -
结 论 - 41 -
致 谢 - 42 -
参考文献 - 43 -
前 言
1 任务要求及简介
1.1 设计课题及任务要求
1.1.1 题目名称及要求