摘 要
关键词:航空施药 转笼雾化喷头 雾化原理 测试系统
Design of spray nozzle and test system for rotary cage
[Abstract]: It is not only effective to prevent and control agricultural and forestry pests and diseases, but also has high efficiency and strong surprise ability. However, because there are many uncontrollable factors in aviation application, it is not possible to accurately measure the performance of the spray nozzle. Based on the present situation, this project designed a test system based on the light helicopter rotor-cage atomization system, and analyzed the atomization performance of the nozzle in the case of rotational speed, mesh number, diameter of net cage, flow rate and pressure. In this paper, two kinds of atomizer nozzle used in aviation spray system are introduced briefly, and the advantages and conditions of adaptation are analyzed, and the principle of atomization is outlined, and the flow parameters of two different atomizing nozzles are listed.
The paper designs the atomization system and experimental device of the rotor cage, firstly, according to the project, the power of the atomization device is designed as a DC motor drive, and a frequency converter is provided to change the speed of the motor. Secondly, the position and location of the bracket can be determined according to the measurement position relationship required by the laser particle size analyzer and the rotor nozzle. The laser particle size instrument is placed horizontally, the center axis of the nozzle and the level of the laser particle size meter, so that the laser beam and the laser particle size meter are perpendicular.At last, the experimental parameters were changed to measure the atomization performance of the cages under different conditions, which could be used in the life practice better.
Key words: Aerial application Atomizer sprinklers Capacity Test system
1绪论 1
1.1课题研究的目的与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1国外农用航空现状 1
1.2.2国内农用航空现状 3
1.3雾化器喷头 3
1.3.1雾化原理 4
1.3.2各种类型雾化器 4
1.3.3试验研究现状 6
1.4研究内容 7
2转笼雾化喷头测试系统设计 9
2.1 测试系统总装图 9
2.2转笼喷头装配图 10
2.3测试方法 10
3转笼雾化喷头的设计 11
3.1喷头轴的设计 11
3.2扩散管的设计 11
3.3网笼的设计 12
3.4法兰的设计 13
3.6轴承端盖的设计 14
4测试系统台架设计 16
4.1电机支架的设计 16
4.2转笼雾化试验台支架的设计 16
4.3药箱支架的设计 17
4.4雾滴收集箱的设计 18
4.5激光粒度仪机架的设计 18
4.6其他零件的设计 19
5结论 21
致谢 22
参考文献 23
附录 25
农林病虫害严重危害农林业的生产以及生态环境,据联合国粮农组织(FAO)估计,全世界每年因病虫草害损失约占粮食总产量的 1/3,其中因病害损失 10%,因虫害损失 14%,因草害损失11%。农作物病虫害除造成产量损失外,还可以直接造成农产品品质下降,出现腐烂、霉变等,营养、口感也会变异,甚至产生对人体有毒、有害的物质。我国每年林业生物灾害发生面积0.11亿hm²,直接经济损失和生态服务价值损失880多亿元,据不完全统计,我国农林病虫害有1800多种,病害500余种,林木从种子到苗木,从幼林到成林及至老熟,每个生长发育阶段都可能遭受病虫害的侵袭。近年来随着我国大力发展杨树产业,林木病虫害也呈现多发性,大面积发展的趋势,这将严重危害林木产业的可持续发展。另外由于受生态环境恶化和全球气候变暖的影响,我国农作物病虫草害发生的面积也不断扩大,如绝迹多年的蝗灾近几年又有卷土重来之势,飞蝗、土蝗和农区草原蝗灾平均每年发生面积55.6~66.7万亩。南方的螟虫、棉铃虫等也时常泛滥成灾,给我们的农业生产造成巨大的损失[1][1]。