摘 要
The overall design of seed pelletizing equipment
In order to speed up the process of domestic agricultural mechanization, improve the level of agricultural mechanization, mechanized fine seeding is a vital part of the process. The seed processing is a prerequisite for the realization of automated mechanical sowing. Foreign research on the seed pelletization and related technologies and processes are ahead of the country, the current developed countries, seed pelletizing equipment has been used to automate information, but also developed the relevant standards. For the domestic seed pelletizing equipment is relatively backward the status quo, need to learn from foreign advanced technology, while improving the ability of independent research and development in order to popularize seed pelletization technology to improve seed survival rate, to achieve automation equipment sowing, reduce production costs, and thus promote the domestic The continuous development of seed pelletization technology.In this paper,the concept, purpose and realization method and principle of seed pelletization are introduced,and then a seed pelletizing device is designed on this basis. A three - dimensional simulation is used to design a device consisting of rotary kettle system,liquid material supply system,powder supply system, flip platform,exhaust system,vibration discharge system, body and control system. And the design of the key components of the structural force analysis.
Key words: seed pelletized; mechanical equipment; design scheme
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1背景 1
1.2国内外现状 2
1.2.1种子丸粒化的指标 2
1.2.2国外丸粒化设备现状 2
1.2.3国内丸粒化设备现状 3
1.2.4种子丸粒化所需的材料 4
1.3选题的意义和目的 5
1.3.1选题的意义 5
1.3.2选题的目的 5
1.4本章小结 5
2 种子丸化方案设计 6
2.1种子丸粒化的目的 6
2.2种子丸粒化加工工艺过程分类 6
2.3种子丸粒化材料 7
2.4种子丸粒化加工设备结构特点 7
2.5种子丸粒化加工设备的组成 8
2.5.1供粉装置 9
2.5.2供液装置 9
2.5.3回转釜装置 9
2.5.4回转釜固定支架 9
2.6本章小结 10
3 种子丸粒化设备的设计 11
3.1回转釜电机控制系统 11
3.2回转釜的转动 13
3.3电磁振动装置 13
3.4液体供应装置设计 14
3.5总体系统设计 14
3.6本章小结 15
4 结构的分析及建模 15
4.1回转釜 16
4.2回转釜转动装置 16
4.2.1回转釜固定支架 16
4.2.2连接板 17
4.2.3转动装置总成示意 17
4.3送粉装置 18
4.4电机的固定 18
4.5其他零件的选取 19
4.5.1电机的选型 19
4.5.2泵的选取 21
4.5.3排风装置选型 21
4.6固定支架 22
4.7控制台 22
4.8各管路及固定 23
4.8.1送料管路 23
4.8.2喷液管 24
4.9总图总体装配的布局图纸 24
4.10本章小结 25
5 结论与展望 27
5.1结论 27
5.2展望 27
致 谢 28
参考文献 29
1 绪论
种子丸粒化技术于20世纪40年代首次在美国采用, 约20年后传入欧洲, 到80年代末在欧、美等发达国家已广泛应用。目前, 在发达国家, 90%以上的蔬菜种子在播种前均需经过丸粒化处理, 欧、美及日本在此项农业技术上已经非常成熟。而中国的种子丸粒化技术研究和应用则起步较晚,个别农户毫无科学依据地盲目模仿,其生产不规范,检验无依据,存在散、乱、差等很多科技与管理方面的不足[2]。鉴于此,研究分析国内外种子丸粒化加工现状与存在的问题就具有重要的现实意义。