摘 要
- 调查实习阶段:首先了解国内现有的整竹无裂纹展开机设备的整个流程及展开过程,通过调查实习,查阅中英文文献、收集资料,分析其中的优缺点与不足之处,了解展开机的工作原理及发展情况。
- 创新设计阶段:拟定整竹无裂纹展开机的设计方案,整竹无裂纹展开机的结构设计与计算。展开机中包括链轮、大小齿轮等均需要尺寸计算与强度校核;减速器、变速器、电机、轴承、离合器、联轴器等均需要查机械手册选择。
- 收敛总结阶段:运用AUTO CAD画出展开机传动部分的总体装配图和其中各小部件的零件图。制定整竹无裂纹展开机传动部分的相关说明书,解释说明其中的尺寸数据并完善自己的设计创新。
The Design and Research of the driving part of the whole bamboo spreading machine
The whole bamboo expansion technology is a new kind of bamboo plate processing technology. It is widely used and processed more widely and comprehensively. It also makes the utilization rate of bamboo more high, and the application of bamboo products is more and more extensive. Through the design of many experiments, the process of finding and improving the bamboo is gradually improved, and the level of crack free development can be achieved.
A series of process, crack free to start the whole bamboo including whole bamboo to yellow, green, etc., to thick seam, softening and expansion, forming a chain of production lines, each link is vital and indispensable. The exhibition is part of bamboo boot support device will go to yellow, green, thick and slotted through transport link transfer to bamboo stretcher, which comprises a transmission part realizes the transmission will be sent to the launch site launch tube, part four is composed of a roller, roller expansion machine operation, the bamboo tube along the seam into bamboo, extending through the gap of the roller is pressed into the tablet, and without the slightest crack.
Although now the whole bamboo exhibition can be realized without cracks, automatic bamboo delivery, but there is progress and innovation in space, this time I graduate design work as follows:
1, investigation and practice stage: first understand the whole process of domestic whole bamboo existing crack free deployable equipment and deployment process, through investigation and practice, referring to English literature, collecting data, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages and shortcomings of them, understand the working principle of opening and development situation.
2, innovation design stage: draw up the whole bamboo crack free exhibition design scheme, the whole bamboo crack free exhibition structure design and calculation. In the boot, including sprocket, size, gear and so on, need to size calculation and strength check; reducer, transmission, motor, bearings, clutch, shaft coupling, etc., need to check the mechanical manual selection.
3, the convergence of summing up stage: using AUTO CAD painting exhibition boot transmission part of the general assembly and the small part drawing. Make the relevant specifications of the transmission part of the whole bamboo crack free display, explain the size data and perfect your design innovation.
目 录
1 前言 - 1 -
1.1 课题名称 - 1 -
1.2 课题研究的目的和意义 - 1 -
1.3 国内外发展的现状 - 2 -
1.3.1我国竹工机械的发展历程 - 2 -
1.3.2我国竹工机械取得的成就 - 3 -
1.4 未来的发展趋势及展望 - 4 -
1.5 研究的主要内容及突破创新 - 5 -
1.5.1 研究的内容 - 5 -
1.5.2 研究的计划路线 - 5 -
1.5.3 在哪些方面有所进展和突破 - 6 -
1.6 本章小结 - 7 -
2 整竹展开机传动部分总体设计方案 - 7 -
2.1展开机传动部分设计要求 - 7 -
2.2展开机传动部分总体结构 - 7 -
2.3展开机传动部分工作原理 - 8 -
2.4本章小结 - 8 -
3 各轴的尺寸计算 - 8 -
3.1上心轴处链轮轴的尺寸计算 - 9 -
3.2小齿轮轴的尺寸计算 - 10 -
3.3下心轴处链轮轴的尺寸计算 - 10 -
3.4大齿轮轴的尺寸计算 - 11 -
3.5本章小结 - 12 -
4 整竹展开机机械系统设计 - 12-
4.1传动比的计算及分配 - 12 -
4.2主要部件的设计计算 - 12 -
4.2.1直齿轮的设计计算 - 12 -
4.2.2链轮的设计计算 - 18 -
4.2.3张紧轮的设计计算 - 19 -
4.3轴上零部件的尺寸选择 - 21 -
4.3.1电动机选择 - 21 -
4.3.2无极变速器选择 - 21 -
4.3.3减速器选择 - 22 -
4.3.4轴承及轴承座选择 -22 -
4.3.5离合器选择 - 22 -
4.4本章小结 - 22 -
5、轴及键的强度校核 - 22 -
5.1轴的强度校核 - 22 -
5.1.1 上心轴处链轮轴的强度校核 - 23 -
5.1.2上心轴处齿轮轴的强度校核 - 27 -
5.1.3下心轴的强度校核 - 31 -
5.2键的强度校核 - 36 -
6 结论与展望 - 38 -
6.1结论 - 38 -
6.2展望 - 38 -
致 谢 - 38 -
参考文献 - 39 -
1 前言
- 课题名称
1.2 课题研究的目的和意义
毛竹是优质、高产、易于更新的重要森林资源。它不仅生长周期比较短,而且其物理化学性能优越。竹子的密度(O. 789)比白桦树(O. 615)和橡树(O. 742)的密度要更高,其弯曲强度及抗拉力是一般树木的1—2倍。