摘 要
Ultrasonic Ranging System Designed
This topic in detail introduces the principle and characteristics of ultrasonic sensors and STC89C52 MCU performance and characteristics. On the basis of analyzing the principle of ultrasonic ranging,it points out that the deficiency of the ranging system is designed and improved. I take the error into account which is due to temperature, and i modified the system. Finally the topic gives the STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer as the core of liquid crystal display of ultrasonic ranging system hardware circuit and software design method.
I design the part of hardware circuit and software circuit adopted modular method . Hardware circuit is mainly composed of ultrasonic transmitting circuit, ultrasonic receiving circuit, power circuit, and display circuit modules. Launching the function of the module is the side of launch ultrasonic wave.Receiving module is responsible for receiving the ultrasonic echo, reuse single-chip computer to calculate distance, and display the measurement results. This topic, on the other hand, the software design part is mainly composed of main program subroutine, ultrasonic launch, ultrasonic receiving interrupt program and display subroutine. The circuit design of system is rational,which can work stably, perform well and detect fast.The calculation is simple and can design the scope of the alarm function.But in terms of measurement accuracy ,it can meet the requirements of industrial use.
Keywords:STC8952; Ultrasonic wave; Measure distance; circuit
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题设计背景和意义 1
1.2 超声波测距研究动态和应用 2
1.2.1本课题国内外研究动态 2
1.2.2超声波的应用 2
1.3课题设计任务及要求 3
1.3.1 课程设计的任务 3
1.3.2 课题设计的要求 4
1.4 课题设计的主要内容 4
2 系统总体方案设计 6
2.1 测距原理 6
2.2 超声波测距方法的选择 6
2.3 设计思路及原理框图 6
2.4超声波测距模块的选择 7
2.5蜂鸣器的选择 7
2.6温度传感器的选择 7
2.7设计方案 7
3 技术概述 9
3.1 超声波的介绍 9
3.1.1什么是超声波 9
3.1.2超声波的波形 9
3.1.3超声波的特性及特点 10
3.2超声波传感器的介绍 10
3.3 HC-SR04超声波测距模块 12
3.3.1 HC-SR04超声波模块的性能特点 12
3.3.2 HC-SR04的管教脚排列和电气参数 12 管教简介 12 HC-SR04的电气参数 13
3.4温度传感器 14
4 系统的硬件结构设计 16
4.1 STC89C52单片机的主要性能及特点 16
4.1.1 STC89C52主要性能 16
4.1.2 STC89C52外部结构及特性 16
4.1.3 STC89C52的内部组成 18
4.2 单片机最小系统 19
4.2.1 STC89C52单片机 19
4.2.2 复位电路 20
4.2.3 晶振电路 21
4.3 HC-RS04超声波测距模块 21
4.4 显示模块 22
4.5 报警模块 24
4.6 温度检测电路 25
4.6.1 温度检测方案的分析 25
4.6.2数字温度传感器DS18B20简介 25
4.6.3 DS18B20的结构及电路 25
5 系统软件设计 27
5.1 超声波测距仪的算法设计 27
5.2 主程序设计流程图 27
5.3 显示数据子程序 28
5.4 报警子程序 29
5.5按键子程序 29
6 调试及性能分析 31
6.1 调试 31
6.2 性能分析 31
7 总结 34
致 谢 35
参考文献 36
附录A超声波测距电路原理图 38
附录B程序清单 39
附录C元件清单 57
1 绪论
1.1 课题设计背景和意义