摘 要
The design and simulation of stair-climbing wheelchair
The invention of stairs has profound and lasting influence in the human history. It not only reduces the area of buildings, but also makes full use of the limited space. However, it also brings inconvenience to people's life. With the acceleration of aging population in China, the amount of the elderly is keeping growing. The elderly with action inconvenience and the disabled have higher and higher requirements on wheelchair. Therefore, developing a stair-climbing wheelchair which can adapt to residential building is imperative.
This article describes the research and analysis of stair-climbing wheelchair. The main contents include the brief introduction of stair-climbing wheelchair in the domestic and overseas and the development trend in the future. Then the idea of a new stair-climbing wheelchair with four-wheeled planetary wheel mechanism is put forward after social investigation and information research. Finally structure design, strength check and a simulation using Proe are made.
This article also elaborates a stair-climbing wheelchair through dynamic 3d module. Two electric motors which control the ground walking and stair climbing movement respectively are installed in the wheelchair. Based on it, reduction gear, shock absorbing device, and turning device, are set up to increase the stability and security of the wheelchair. The design of stair-climbing wheelchair has many advantages: simple structure, easy use, small volume, light weight, etc.
Keywords: Planetary wheel,Stair-climbing wheelchair,hree-dimensional module,Stability,Simulation
目 录
第一章 绪论 4
1.1 引言 4
1.2 国内外研究情况及其发展 4
1.3 本课题的主要研究内容及安排 9
第二章 爬楼梯轮椅装置的方案设计 10
2.1 概述 10
2.2 方案设计 11
2.3 设计方案三 16
2.4 本章小结 17
第三章 主要零部件的校核 18
3.1 功率估算 18
3.2 估算1、2齿轮的模数和齿数 19
3.3 后轮链传动的计算 23
3.4 计算各轴的强度 25
第四章 电动轮椅的适用环境 28
4.1 轮椅使用条件 28
4.2 电机的选用 28
第五章 爬楼梯轮椅的机构运动分析及仿真 29
5.1 机构运动分析 29
5.2 机构运动仿真 31
结论 33
参考文献 34
谢辞 35
附录1 参数 36
附录 2 三维模型图 38
附录 3 二维工程图 40
第一章 绪论
1.1 引言