摘 要
第一章 前言
1.1 课题研究的目的和意义
1.2 国内外研究的现状
1.3 研究内容与计划
1.3.2 研究计划
1.3.3 解决的主要问题
第二章 毛竹的特性及去青方式的选择
2.1 毛竹的特性
2.2 毛竹去青方式的选择
2.3.2 轴向刮削法
第三章 竹筒去青机总体设计
3.1 去青机磨头的基本结构选择
3.2.1 砂带轮驱动电机的选择
3.2.2 V带传动的设计计算
3.3 进给运动参数
3.3.1 工件速度
3.3.2 磨削深度
3.3.3 轴向进给速度和径向进给速度
3.4 砂带的选择与计算
3.5 去青机磨头部分的工作基本参数
3.6 磨头的工作原理
第四章 砂带轮轴的校核计算
4.1 砂带轮轴的强度校核
4.1.1 选择材料,确定许用应力
4.1.2 轴上受力分析及弯矩扭矩图
4.1.3 弯扭合成应力校核轴的强度
4.2 砂带轮轴的刚度校核
第五章 结束语
致 谢
Pepole make higher and higher demands on the home decoration with the improvement of the standard of living. Being its high intensity, good wear-resistant,clear and beautiful veins,and natural green environmental protection product,bamboo materials have won peoples’favor and have promising market prospect.In order to organize the great large-scale production, we must use the rational and high-efficient special processing equipment.Up to now the techniques that are necessary to bring about the industrialization of bamboo materials still rest on the unfurling half-bamboo by hot pressing and by venner lathe 2 kinds.In fact,the most valuable one,unfurling whole-bamboo without crack hasn’t been adopted in domestic and foreign corporations because its degree of difficulty is relatively bigger.
To get unfurled whole bamboo sheets without crack,removing the outer green from bamboo tubes is a most important technics,which has a great effect on the quality of the bamboo sheets.In this study great efforts are made to design a set of equipment for unfurling whole-bamboo without crack without low cost,convenient operation,high productive efficiency and suitability for industrialization.Its products,unfurled whole-bamboo sheets,thin shaved sheets,or thin face plywoods,will be 2500mms long,250-320mms wide,and 5-6.5mms thick.
Based on a geart lot of references about the characteristic of the moso bamboo,the technique of sand drum grinding is selected to remove the outer green from the moso bamboo rather than other techniques. We designed a kind of special sand drum according to the characteristic of the moso bamboo.
In this study a new kind of special grinder was developed to fluctuate the sand drum.Its products have good surface quality.Its spread is of great significance.
Key words:whole bamboo unfurled without crack, removing the outer green of bamboo, grinding, sand drum
第一章 前言
1.1 课题研究的目的和意义
我国是一个木材资源较为贫乏的国家,随着人民生活水平的不断提高,对木材及木制品的需求量日益增加,导致森林面积不断减少和森林质量与材种急剧下降,成熟材、优质材、大径材不断减少。同时,国家为了控制生态平衡,防止水土流失,开始实施天然林保护工程,严禁滥砍滥伐,使得木材供需矛盾更加尖锐,因此,竹材的综合开发利用引起了人们的高度重视。我国是一个竹材资源最丰富的国家,其产量居世界首位。竹材具有生长快、轮伐期短、韧性好、耐磨、纹理通直、材质好和色泽高雅等特点;且其规格较小, 采伐性能好,可用不含甲醛的特种胶,有益于人类身体健康和环境保护。