摘 要
Analysis of structural mechanics response of hydraulic support
With the continuous development and application of the comprehensive mechanized coal mining technology, the research and development, design and manufacture of fully mechanized coal mining hydraulic support have made great progress. Mining working face common self walking type hydraulic support is the liquid with high pressure as the driving force, and is composed of hydraulic components and metal structures to support and roof management of equipment, it can not only achieve supporting, cutting the top and to isolate the goaf area, but also can make the stent itself forward and promote the conveyor is comprehensive mechanical coal mining working face is one of the important equipment, therefore, through the two column shield hydraulic support key parts of the stress analysis, for the design is scientific, rational use and safe and reliable have important significance.
Due to the complexity of the hydraulic support structural shape, using the classical mechanics method on the structure and strength, accurate analysis of stiffness and fatigue life is often more difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to use new methods to meet the requirements of modern product design.
Firstly, on the basis of the hydraulic support structure analysis, the finite element model is established by using 3D modeling software proe according to support the stress condition by using linear elastic finite element method is used to analyze the structural strength of the whole frame of analysis is made, under extreme conditions the maximum equivalent stress value exceeds the limit of the strength of the material and support can not meet the strength requirements. Then, the modal analysis of the hydraulic support is carried out, and the frequency and mode of vibration are obtained.
Key words: Hydraulic support; 3D modeling; finite element analysis; static analysis; modal analysis
目 录
第一章 前言 2
1.1 课题研究背景 2
1.2 液压支架国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 国外液压支架的发展现状 2
1.2.2 国内液压支架的研究情况 3
1.3 本文的主要工作 4
第二章 液压支架有限元建立 5
2.1 液压支架概述 5
2.1.1液压支架的工作原理 5
2.1.2 液压支架的主要结构 5
2.2 建立实体模型 7
2.3 有限元分析 12
2.3.1 ANSYS的简介 12
2.3.2 定义材料属性 13
2.3.3 有限元网格的划分 14
2.3.4 ANSYS Workbench分析的基本过程 16
第三章 液压支架的结构强度分析 18
3.1 液压支架整体强度的有限元分析 18
3.1.1 液压支架载荷工况的确定 18
3.1.2 外载荷的设置 18
3.2 顶梁前端加载工况 19
3.3 顶梁两端加载工况 23
3.4 本章小结 26
第四章 液压支架的模态分析 28
4.1 液压支架模态分析的意义 28
4.2 模态分析理论 28
4.3 模态分析结果 30
4.4 本章小结 32
第五章 结论与展望 33
5.1 全文总结 33
5.2 展望 34
第六章 致谢 35
参考文献 36
第一章 前言
1.1 课题研究背景
1.2 液压支架国内外研究现状