摘 要
Numerical control system design of Laminated veneer lumber paving machine
With the increasing use of wood structure in today's world, more and more requirements for wooden components have become more and more high, which leads to the introduction of a new type of artificial timber. In order to promote the development of the production and development of the veneer lumber, to improve the automation level of the industrial production equipment, the research on the continuous and numerical control veneer lumber equipment is particularly important.
The design used in the production of single plate laminated material production equipment NC positioning group billet machine, including blank group platform, tractor and tractor motor, conveyor belt and conveying motor, cylinder, a baffle and a control switch, combination of numerical control system and the traditional artificial board production equipment, which has the advantages of simple structure, easy to operate. The distance between the joints of the single plate remains the same, which can enhance the quality of the products. The use of the system, can effectively improve production efficiency, greatly saving labor costs.
This study mainly to S7-200 PLC program is based, and the EM253 position control module, touch screen to achieve precise control of two servo motors, has the advantages of easy operation, high adaptability and reliability, anti-jamming etc. characteristics. The control switch is connected with the two electric motors and the air cylinder baffle, and can realize the precise and automatic positioning of the production equipment by controlling the switch, and can change the distance of the joint through the touch screen according to the actual situation.
Keyword:Laminated veneer lumber ,PLC,Position control module,servo motor
目 录
1. 前言 - 1 -
1.1 课题设计的内容,目的及意义 - 1 -
1.2 国内外同类研究情况 - 1 -
1.3 课题研究的内容 - 2 -
1.4 特色与创新 - 2 -
2. 数控定位组坯机设计 - 3 -
2.1 数控定位组坯机的机械组成 - 3 -
2.2 数控定位组坯机运行原理 - 4 -
3. 控制系统硬件设计 - 6 -
3.1 可编程序控制器简介 - 6 -
3.1.1 PLC的产生和定义 - 6 -
3.1.2 PLC的主要功能和特点 - 6 -
3.1.3 PLC的原理与结构 - 7 -
3.2 S7-200系列 PLC的概述 - 8 -
3.2.1 S7-200PLC的简介 - 8 -
3.2.2 EM253的介绍 - 9 -
3.3 系统总体流程及构件概述 - 11 -
3.3.1 系统总体流程图 - 11 -
3.3.2 控制系统构件的选用 - 12 -
3.4 控制系统构件的选型 - 12 -
3.4.1 伺服电机 - 12 -
3.4.2 传感器的选用 - 15 -
3.4.3 触摸屏 - 17 -
3.4.4 PLC的选型及I/O接口分配 - 17 -
3.4.5 EM253位置控制模块的接线 - 21 -
4 控制系统软件设计 - 24 -
4.1 PLC程序设计 - 24 -
4.1.1 位控模块向导的设置 - 24 -
4.1.2 PLC主程序的编写 - 29 -
4.2 触摸屏的设置 - 35 -
4.2.1 设备窗口设置 - 35 -
4.2.2 用户窗口设置 - 37 -
结 论 - 39 -
致 谢 - 40 -
参考文献 - 41 -
1. 前言
1.1 课题设计的内容,目的及意义
我国是一个森林资源匮乏,建筑及工业木材消耗巨大,因而木材供需矛盾突出的国家,多年来的持续乱砍乱伐,使木材资源日益贫乏,随着速生材制造的单板层积材(Laminated veneer lumber 简称LVL)生产技术的不断发展,开拓和促进单板层积材的生产,代替实木板方材,对满足我国持续增长的木材需求具有很大实际意义。
1.2 国内外同类研究情况