摘 要
Based on wind turbine blade mold design
3D printing technology
Wind energy is currently competing on the international development and utilization of clean non-polluting, renewable new energy. With the rapid development of wind power industry, with a total installed capacity of wind power single are constantly rising. Leaf as a core component of wind turbines, wind turbine of its requirements are also getting higher and higher. Large and lighter blades become its inevitable trend of development, so mold stiffness, strength, precision, quality and uniformity, roughness and other technical requirements have become more stringent.
Based on CREO mold three-dimensional design software to meet design requirements, and the use of 3D printing technology to print out in the mold rack layered blade mold cavity female model, eliminating the cost of production of the male blade mold, mold segments will merge to solve after cracks and leakage phenomenon in the mold production process, can greatly improve manufacturing precision large blade mold and shorten the manufacturing cycle and reduce the manufacturing cost. While the mold segment processing, it can also solve the transportation problem.
1、 With the help of Pro/Engineer to complete the mold design, detailed description of the blade mold design process and details.
2、 The composite material which is involved in the laying of the mold is simply introduced, and the production process is analyzed and explained in detail.
3、Parametric analysis and design 3, mold, through analysis and finite element calculation, complete the die steel frame design.
Key words:Pro/Engineer;3D printing;mould block design;mould steel frame design;
目 录
1 绪论 - 1 -
1.1 课题研究的背景 - 1 -
1.1.1 风力发电现状 - 1 -
1.1.2 国外风力发展现状 - 2 -
1.1.3 我国风力发展现状 - 3 -
1.2 国内外风机叶片、模具研究现状 - 4 -
1.2.1 风机叶片国内外研究现状 - 4 -
1.2.2 国内风电叶片模具制造现状 - 4 -
1.3 课题研究的主要内容和研究意义 - 5 -
1.3.1 课题研究的主要内容 - 5 -
1.3.2 课题的研究意义 - 5 -
1.4 本章小结 - 6 -
2 模具的结构设计 - 7 -
2.1 基于CREO、AutoCAD的叶片实体造型 - 7 -
2.1.1 叶片的三维设计 - 7 -
2.1.2 AutoCAD提取点数据介绍 - 8 -
2.1.3 AutoCAD提取叶片点数据 - 8 -
2.1.4 处理叶片点数据 - 10 -
2.1.5 控制面线框造型 - 11 -
2.1.6 叶片曲面造型 - 11 -
2.1.7 叶片实体造型 - 12 -
2.2 叶片模具的设计 - 12 -
2.2.1 创建工件 - 12 -
2.2.2 创建分型面 - 12 -
2.2.3 创建水加热层、腻子层、3D打印层 - 13 -
2.2.4 分模 - 13 -
2.3 本章小结 - 13 -
3 钢架的设计与有限元分析 - 14 -
3.1 钢架建模 - 14 -
3.1.1 模架竖撑的建模与定位 - 14 -
3.1.3 模架型腔的建立 - 15 -
3.2 钢架生产工艺的检验 - 15 -
3.3 风电叶片模具液压翻转机构 - 16 -
3.4 钢架有限元分析与力学校核 - 16 -
3.4.1 有限元分析的概念 - 16 -
3.4.1 Workbench下的钢架校核 - 17 -
3.5 本章小结 - 20 -
4 型腔的铺设与工艺 - 21 -
4.1 复合材料的基本概念 - 21 -
4.2 叶片模具的原材料 - 21 -
4.2.1 树脂 - 21 -
4.2.2 叶片及叶片模具用增强材料 - 21 -
4.3 模具制造铺层工艺 - 22 -
4.3.1 手糊工艺 - 22 -
4.3.2 3D打印层制作 - 23 -
4.3.3 水加热系统布置 - 23 -
4.4 玻璃钢层制作 - 25 -
4.4.1 真空灌注准备 - 25 -
4.4.2 气密性检查 - 26 -
4.4.3 裁布 - 26 -
4.4.4 铺层 - 26 -
4.4.5 真空材料铺设 - 27 -
4.4.6 真空灌注 - 28 -
4.4.7 第二次真空灌注 - 30 -
4.4.8 手糊湿法袋压 - 30 -
4.5 本章小结 - 31 -
5 3D打印系统的开发 - 32 -
5.1 3D打印系统的特点与创新 - 32 -
5.1.1 分段式叶片模具设计 - 32 -
5.1.2 打印头更换站设计 - 32 -
5.1.3 数控双五轴联动打印设计 - 32 -
5.1.4 五轴打印头设计 - 32 -
5.1.5 新型打印材料应用设计 - 33 -
5.1.6 分层打印叶片模具型腔设计 - 33 -
5.1.7 三维扫描检测 - 33 -
5.2 3D打印系统打印方式 - 34 -
5.2.1 方案一 - 34 -
5.2.2 方案二 - 35 -
5.3 模具分段拼接 - 35 -
5.3.1 模具分段 - 35 -
5.3.2 模具修补拼接 - 37 -
5.4 本章小结 - 39 -
结 论 - 40 -
致 谢 - 41 -
参考文献 - 42 -
附录 - 43 -
附录:图纸列表 - 43 -
1 绪论
1.1 课题研究的背景
风能资源是人类最早利用的能源之一,其实早在蒸汽机发明之前,风能就曾已经被当做是最重要的能源动力,被广泛的用于航海,农田灌溉等方面。风能的利用的记载最早被认为是埃及记载的,早在几千年前就开始利用风帆来帮助航行。在中国开始利用风能也早有追溯,东汉刘熙所著的《释名》一书中所描写的“随风张幔曰帆”,即对帆做了说明;在明代《天工开物》一书中“扬郡以风帆数扇,俟风转车,风息则止”的记载; "零陵水车风作轮,缘江夜响盘空云。轮盘团团径三丈,水声却在风轮上......轮盘引水入沟去,分送高田种禾黍,盘盘自转不用人,年年只用修车轮”; 在明代童冀的《水车行》中所写,呈现出对使用立帆式垂直轴风车的情景的描述。