摘 要
目前,我国数控激光切割机床的产业以及市场需求的前景很可观,具备很大的市场潜力。对激光切割机床的深入研究不仅能够促进其发展,还能有效地满足当前的市场需求,促进低碳环保业和相关产业链的发展,可以产生良好的社会与经济效益,同时也能够满足可持续发展的社会要求。本课题设计旨在打破传统传统激光切割机床信号传输线繁多、传输距离短、传输速度慢的缺点,是对数控激光切割机床进一步精细化、网络化以及智能化研究的一个新的尝试。本课题设计的数控系统使用的控制软件平台是 Windows XP。根据数控系统硬件平台基础和控制软件的功能需求,考虑到市场开发、程序的兼容性和网络功能的扩展,采用 C语言作为主要编程开发工具,进行数控系统控制软件的开发与设计。
2 编写它们之间的通信程序实现了数控系统、激光器之间的协同工作。
Interface module design of optical fiber laser and numerical control system
At present, China's CNC laser cutting machine tool industry and the prospect of market demand is very impressive, with great market potential. In-depth study of laser cutting machine can not only promote the development of, can effectively meet the market demand, promote the development of low carbon environmental protection industry and related industrial chain, can produce good social and economic benefits, also can can meet the requirements of sustainable development of society. This topic designed to break the traditional laser cutting machine tool of signal transmission line and different, short transmission distance and transmission speed slow shortcomings, is of NC laser cutting machine further refinement, networked and intelligent study a new attempt. The design of this topic is the use of CNC system software platform is XP Windows. According to the functional requirements of the CNC system hardware platform foundation and control software, considering the expansion of the market development, the program compatibility and network function by C language as the main programming tools, CNC system control software design and development. 本课题设计的重点包括二个方面。数控系统对外接口模块的研究设计,数控系统、激光器之间协同工作的研究。具体的研究成果如下:
The focus of this paper includes two aspects. Research and design of the external interface module of CNC system, the research of the cooperative work between the numerical control system and the laser. Specific research results are as follows:
1 the design of the interface module of the numerical control system and the laser is studied. Design of the module can be embedded on the market most brands of fiber laser, and the external control system to the way to the bus to connect communication, realizes the digital communication and long - distance communication, safe and reliable, greatly improves the flexibility of fiber laser applications.
2 编写它们之间的通信程序实现了数控系统、激光器之间的协同工作。
2 write the communication program between the numerical control system and the laser.
At the end of the article, the content of the topic design is summarized, and the design of this topic needs to be improved and perfected. 进行了展望。To make a prospect.
Keywords:laser cutting; Ethernet; interface module offiber laser
目 录
1 绪论………………………………………………………………………1
1.1 课题研究背景及意义……………………………………………………………1
1.2 国内外发展现状………………………………………………………………………1
2 接口模块总体设计 …..……………………...………………………………………………..…6
2.1数控系统与光纤器接口模块设计 …………………………………………………………...6
2.1.2 方式实施 …………………………………….…………………………..…7
2.1.3 硬件设计及实物 ………………………………………………………………...…9 硬件设计 ……………………….…………………………………………9 实物 ………………………….………………………………….…… 13
2.1.4 设计效果 …………………………..………………………………….……14
3 数控系统与接口模块设计………….…………………………………………………...…….15
3.1 以太网芯片选择…………………………………………………………………...….15
3.3 AD采样程序设计………………………………………………………………………17
3.4 SPI模块设计………………………………………………………………………......18
结论 ………………………………………………………………21
参考文献 ……….……………………………………………………. .. .. …23
1第一章 绪论
1.1 课题研究背景及意义
数控激光切割机床是集光、机、电、气、液于一体的设备,科学技术含量高[1]相对于传统的切割机床,它的加工精度更高且具备较好的柔性性,对于材料的利用率也更高,大大降低了机床成本,减轻了人工负担,可以说是制造业的一场科技革命。目前,激光切割技术以及激光切割机床在很多行业中都有广泛的应用。因此,对激光切割数控系统进行深入研究具有很强的现实意义[2]。激光技术从 20 世纪 60 年代发展起来,目前已经成为现代信息技术的支柱之一也是技术高速发展的标志之一。在世界范围内,激光器的销售额不断攀升,在应用领域上,材料加工占市场份额第一,医用激光器列为第二。激光产业受到世界各国的高度重视,优先发展激光产业。在激光切割数控系统的开发设计方面,我国的激光切割数控系统在经过多年的发展以后,正在以非常的迅速的速度发展,国内市场的很多中低端产品都是我国自主生产的,并且有部分产品已经出口到国外。但是,相对于发达国家而言,我国生产的激光切割数控系统仍旧是很落后的。而且大功率激光切割数控系统的很多核心方面的技术还是需要从国外进口[3]。在高端激光切割数控系统的领域,我国的技术仍然跟不上发达国家的水平,每年都要花费很大的代价引进先进的技术以及相关的设施。因此,我国急需突破该项技术。随着我国航空航天、船舶、汽车、钢铁以及发电设备等行业的迅速发展[4],我国的激光切割技术也得到了极其迅猛的发展,这对打破发达国家在激光切割技术方面的垄断,带动我国制造业的发展具有极其重要的意义。同时,还能够带动与激光切割领域相关的产业链的发展,对我国经济的发展起到良好的推动作用
1.2 国内外发展现状