摘 要
(1)本设计应用传递矩阵法分析影响声子晶体第一禁带频率及第一禁带宽度的因素,具体包括晶格常数,组分比,密度比和弹性模量比。结果表明:只改变晶胞厚度,随着晶胞厚度增大,第一禁带起止频率和第一禁带宽度都在降低,因此可以通过增大晶胞厚度来得到较低的起始频率。然而在实际应用中,对材料的厚度是有要求的,材料厚度尽可能大但也要在合理的范围内才有实际应用价值。只改变组分比,随着组分比的增大,第一禁带截止频率和第一禁带宽度都在减小。其他三个因素确定时,随着模量比的增大,禁带宽度逐渐增大,禁带起始频率逐渐减小,变化幅度比较明显,而禁带截止频率随着弹性模量比变化并不明显。由此可得,通过改变组元材料的弹性模量比可以获得声子晶体的低频禁带。 组元材料密度比较小时,禁带起始频率也较低,随着密度比的增大,起始频率无明显变化,截止频率及禁带宽度随之增大。
The rapid development of various technological civilizations has led to prosperity and progress, and has produced many unpleasant noises in our society.Noise is a nuisance and is one of the four major pollution.People have been very concerned about how to control the noise effectively.Generally speaking, sound insulation is the most common method of controlling noise.
Phononic crystal is a periodic structural material with elastic wave bandage, and the main characteristic of phononic crystals is the sound subband.Sound waves are prohibited within the band frequency range.By using this feature, some problems of controlling noise in practical engineering applications can be solved.
(1)This design applies the transfer matrix method to analyze the factors of Phononic crystal first forbidden band frequency and the first forbidden band width, including lattice constant, composition, density ratio and elastic modulus ratio.The results show that only the thickness of the cell was changed, and as the thickness of the cell was increased, the first band and the first forbidden band were decreased.So you can get a lower initial frequency by increasing the thickness of the cell.However, in practical application, the thickness of the material is required, and the material thickness is as large as possible but also in reasonable range.As the composition ratio increases, the initial frequency of the first band and the width of the first forbidden band are reduced.Other three factors determine, as the modulus ratio increases, the width of the forbidden band increases.Forbidden band initial frequency gradually decrease,the change is clear .The cutoff frequency is not obvious as the modulus of elasticity varies.Therefore, it is possible to obtain the low frequency forbidden band of the phononic crystal by changing the elastic modulus of the material.
(2)When the density ratio of the group elements is small,the forbidden band has a lower initial frequency .As the density goes up,no significant change in the initial frequency,the cutoff frequency and the width of the forbidden band increase.
By sound insulation test method, we can measure sound insulation quantity and analyze the influence of lattice constants and density on sound insulation performance.The experimental results show that the experimental results are consistent with the simulation results.
Keywords: Phononic crystals; Transfer matrix method; Forbidden band; Noise reduction
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 IV
第1章 绪论 1
1.1本课题研究的目的及意义 1
1.2声子晶体的基本知识 1
1.2.1声子晶体的基本概念 1
1.2.2声子晶体的组成 2
1.2.3声子晶体的基本特征 3
1.2.4声子晶体禁带形成机理 3
1.3国内外研究现状 5
1.4声子晶体的应用前景 6
1.5本课题主要研究内容 7
第2章 声子晶体计算方法 8
2.1 声子晶体禁带计算方法 8
2.2传递矩阵法 9
第3章 声子晶体禁带影响因素研究分析 13
3.1组元材料晶格常数对禁带特性的影响 13
3.2组元材料组分比对禁带特性的影响 14
3.3组元材料弹性模量比对禁带特性的影响 15
3.4组元材料密度比对声子晶体禁带特性的影响 16
3.5小结 18
第4章 周期结构声学特性的实验研究 19
4.1引言 19
4.2材料或结构的隔声量 19
4.2.1隔声量的定义 19
4.2.2驻波管中隔声量的测量 20
4.3实验研究 21
4.3.1实验仪器 21
4.3.2实验材料 22
4.3.3实验结果及分析 23
4.4 本章小结 27
结论 28
参考文献 29
- 绪论