摘 要
关键词: 焊接变位机、电机类型、机械设计、三维建模、UG
With the continuous development of manufacturing industry and the progress, the displacement of welding machine is a kind of auxiliary equipment of welding process and in the field of welding is also becoming more and more important, with the continuous development of the field and the expansion of the demand, the displacement of welding machine is slowly expanding market, and become an indispensable part of the manufacturing industry. The design needs to bear the artifacts of a 300 kg, and its maximum rotational speed can reach 100 ° / s, is a can make a type displacement of two degrees of welding machine. This graduation design mainly includes the rotary workbench and workpiece during welding and implement tilt, determine the motor selection and selection and check the shaft and bearing the main content.
The motor is chosen based on the load that the design itself needs to bear. Including: the motor rated power, rotational speed, and current and so on, further analysis of the structure of the displacement of welding machine and he needs to meet the function, and then down to a definite displacement of welding machine model, and then to check of shaft and bearing, including the constraints of life and strength, and so on, finally use CAD drawing software rendering the related detail drawing and assembly drawing.
Finally, according to the theoretical parameters, the two degree of freedom welding transformer is modeled using UG 3d software.
Keywords: displacement of welding machine, motor type, mechanical design, 3 d modeling, UG
摘 要 2
Abstract 3
第1章 绪论 5
1.1论文概述 5
1.2选题背景 6
1.3焊接变位机设计国内外发展现状 7
1.4 研究的目的及意义 8
1.5 本文研究内容 10 8
第2章 二自由度焊接变位机机构与分类 11
2.1焊接变位机机械分类 11
2.2 焊接变位的性能 11
2.3 焊接变位机功能及结构形式 12
2.4 二自由度焊接变位机原理 13
2.5本章小结 14
第3章 二自由度焊接变位机结构设计及计算 15
3.1 二自由度焊接变位机用途及结构形式 15
3.2 电机选型计算 15
3.3 倾斜轴的计算和校核 16
3.4 轴承的选用 22
3.4.1对I轴进行轴承的选型及其寿命的校核 22 22
3.4.2对II轴进行轴承的选型及其寿命的校核 24 24
3.5 本章小结 26
- 结论及不足 27 27
4.1 本次毕业设计结论 27 27
4.2 本次毕业设计不足 27 27
4.3 本章小结 27 27
参考文献 28
致 谢 29