摘 要
Design of sheet metal based on SolidWorks
Sheet metal is the basis of modern manufacturing industry,with the rapid development of modern social economy,China has become the world's largest manufacturing country,sheet metal manufacturing industry has also been greatly improved in China.However, in our country sheet metal manufacturing industry has made great achievements and economic benefits at the same time,Compared with developed countries, there is still a certain gap and various problems.
With the development of information technology the design of sheet metal can be completed by a wide variety of 3D drawing software,in the production of sheet metal need more SolidWorks more and more.The software is used to design the parameters of the sheet metal during the design process,style and other aspects of improvement,be able to complete the design of a product in the software,the work efficiency is greatly improved, and the problems which may occur in the production are avoided to achieve the cost savings.
At the same time, the rapid development of modern economy has brought many environmental problems,today, environmental protection has been urgent,with the improvement of national quality, people's awareness of environmental protection is increasing,garbage disposal is a very important aspect of environmental protection.In particular, in some public places, garbage disposal and classification are all showing the quality of a country's citizens and environmental protection efforts.For example, the mobile garbage bins in the park can effectively classify and manage the rubbish in the park,at the same time, it can also cultivate people's awareness of environmental protection and garbage classification.This will be a common mobile garbage box for some personalized design,make it more practical,more humane at the same time there is a better use experience.
Key words:Sheet metal;SolidWorks;Mobile garbage bin;Personalized design
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 钣金的定义 1
1.2 钣金在我国的现状 2
1.3钣金加工设备 4
1.4 SolidWorks在钣金设计中的应用 11
2 实用分析 13
2.1环保的意义 13
2.2垃圾的分类与处理 14
3 移动垃圾箱 16
3.1原产品分析 16
3.2改进方案 20
3.3具体方案的实施与参数 20
3.3.1重新设计箱体 20
3.3.2增加扫把簸箕、簸箕托和扣环 22
3.3.3增加箱体可摇翻盖 24
3.3.4将前排直排轮改为万向轮 25
3.3.5后驱动轮装置设计 26
4 钣金加工 34
5 控制系统设计 37
5.1结构总框图 37
5.2 电机及驱动板 37
5.2.1电机具体参数 37
5.2.2驱动板 37
5.3 控制板 39
5.3.1控制板原理图 39
5.3.2控制板PCB图 40
结 论 41
致 谢 42
参考文献 43
1 绪论
1.1 钣金的定义