摘 要
The Study and Design on the NC Splitting Bamboo Machine
Bamboo breaking machine, as a primary processing machine for most bamboo products, is a special machine for breaking bamboo barrels into regular tile-shaped bamboo strips in the initial processing of bamboo products. Even after long-term improvement of the design, due to technical conditions and processing costs and other factors, the bamboo breaker is still at the semi-mechanized level, in which individual processes or products also need manual operation, such as manual feeding and manual tool change. In the current bamboo breaking equipment, the diameter of bamboo barrel is mostly determined by manual visual measurement, and then the number of blades is determined by experience. If the visual measurement is inaccurate, the width of broken bamboo pieces will be uneven, resulting in waste of bamboo. In addition, the old bamboo breaker has no precise heart mechanism, which makes the bamboo barrel and bamboo knife unable to heart. It will still cause uneven width of the broken bamboo barrel, which can not meet the required requirements and become waste, thus causing waste.
In the research and analysis of the existing bamboo breaking equipment, there are some problems, such as the worker's work intensity is high, the safety is poor, the equipment's empty travel time is long, the width of bamboo breaking is uneven, and the heart is not accurate. The design requirement of NC bamboo breaker is put forward. The aim is to design a high efficiency NC bamboo breaker which can automatically feed and replace bamboo breaker cutters. The bamboo breaker and bamboo barrel can accurately center the bamboo breaker. This paper mainly analyses the shortcomings of domestic bamboo breaker, then draws up detailed design scheme and working principle of bamboo breaker, draws assembly drawing of NC bamboo breaker with CAD, parts drawing of push plate combination and automatic centering mechanism, parts drawing of cutter head, bearing seat, belt wheel shaft and sprocket shaft, and other important parts in the main transmission system; and drives gears, chain drives, belt drives, self-propelled, self-propelled, self-propelled, self-propelled and self-propelled. The dynamic center mechanism and motor power are designed and calculated.
Key words: NC bamboo breaker; automatic centering mechanism; V-shaped support device; automatic tool change;
目 录
1 前言 1
1.1 课题研究的意义 1
1.2 国内外竹材加工机械发展概况 1
1.2.1国内竹工机械发展概况 2
1.2.2国外竹工机械发展概况 2
1.2.3我国竹工机械未来发展趋势 3
1.3 论文主要研究的内容 3
1.4 研究的创新点和具体计划路线 4
1.4.1 研究的创新点和突破 4
1.4.2 研究计划路线 4
1.5 本章小结 5
2 数控破竹机总体设计方案 6
2.1数控破竹机设计要求 6
2.2数控破竹机总体结构 6
2.3数控破竹机工作原理 7
2.4本章小结 8
3 数控破竹机的主传动系统 9
3.1设计参数要求 9
3.2主电动机选择 9
3.3初始数据计算 10
3.4推板驱动链传动选型设计 10
3.5传动比的计算及分配 11
3.6传动装置的运动、动力参数设计 12
3.7带传动的设计 12
3.8传动链设计 14
3.9直齿轮的设计计算 15
3.10带轮轴的结构设计 16
3.11本章小结 17
4 数控破竹机机械结构设计 18
4.1竹筒支撑部件 18
4.1.1竹筒V形支撑机构 18
4.1.2竹筒支撑部件的工作原理 19
4.2竹筒对心机构 20
4.2.1数控竹筒破竹机对心机构的设计要求 22
4.2.2 对心机构的工作原理及结构设计 23
4.2.3对心机构拉簧的设计 27
4.3刀盘组合部件 30
4.4推板组合部件 32
4.5推板驱动轮 33
4.6本章小结 33
5 结论与展望 34
5.1结论 34
6.2展望 34
致 谢 36
参考文献 37
1 前言
1.1 课题研究的意义
中国素有“竹子王国”之称,现有竹类植物 4 8 个属 500 余种,竹类植物面积、蓄积量及年产竹材量均占世界 1/3 左右,拥有极为丰富的竹类资源,是重要的森林资源[1]。如果对竹资源进行科学的经营和采集,将会是非常重要的自然资源,取之不尽、 用之不竭。由于竹子具有产量高,生存性强,生长快,存储量大等优点,使得竹工机械和竹产业都得到了飞速的发展,并且为地区经济社会发展贡献了巨大力量。但是又由于毛竹特殊的物理构造,如薄壁中空、两头直径不等、具有竹节等,给竹工机械的发展带来了很大的阻碍,也使得竹工机械的发展远远达不到快速发展的市场的需求。