摘 要
Stress analysis of impacted teeth and their supporting tissues under orthodontic force
Orthodontic treatment of ambushed impacted teeth is to use the appliance to produce orthodontic traction and act it on the teeth and their supporting tissues, thereby causing a series of tissue biochemical reactions to achieve the purpose of moving the teeth. In this process, orthodontic traction is the initiating factor of tooth movement. The mechanical response of periodontal tissue is the decisive factor that causes tooth movement and affects the speed of tooth movement. It is necessary to find out how to use mechanical or functional appliance to obtain proper traction and make the distribution of traction in the periodontal tissue to be the most suitable for tissue reconstruction. This paper intends to analyze the orthodontic process of maxillary impacted teeth by finite element analysis, quantify the analysis of orthodontic force, and ensure the correction effect.
First, a three-dimensional model of the ambushed canine is reconstructed from analyzing the CT image by the medical imaging software Mimics, and the point cloud file of tooth that contains the noise is output. Then, the CATIA software is used to denoise the output point cloud file to generate the tooth surface model. Finally, in the finite element software ABAQUS, the periodontal tissue mesh model is generated from the generated tooth surface, and the stress distribution of the periodontal ligament of the ambushed canine under various treatment regimens is analyzed based on different constitutive models. The results show that the magnitude and direction of traction force affect the stress distribution of periodontal ligament, and it is concluded that the superelastic model can show the true material properties of periodontal ligament better than the linear elastic model.
Key Words:Orthodontics; Impacted Tooth; Reverse Engineering; Viscoelasticity; Finite Element Analysis
目 录
摘要 1
1 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2埋伏牙简介 1
1.2.1牙齿基本结构 2
1.2.2埋伏牙的正畸方法 3
1.2.3有限元法在正畸领域中的应用 4
1.3国内外正畸领域相关研究现状 4
1.4研究意义 5
1.5本文研究内容 6
2 埋伏牙及其支持组织三维有限元模型的建立 7
2.1建模思路及流程 7
2.2逆向工程在医学领域中的应用 8
2.3CT影像数据的处理及点云输出 8
2.3.1CT图像采集 8
2.3.2运用Mimics提取与处理尖牙模型 9
2.3.3运用CATIA重构曲面与获取尖牙实体 11
2.3.4牙周膜三维网格面的建立 13
2.4本章小结 16
3 基于线弹性模型的牙周膜应力分析 17
3.1口腔正畸有限元模型及有限元分析理论 17
3.1.1对口腔正畸模型的研究 17
3.1.2有限元理论 17
3.2牙周膜的力学特性 18
3.3基于ABAQUS的有限元分析求解过程 18
3.3.1ABAQUS分析求解过程中的关键技术 18
3.3.2有限元结果的评价依据 22
3.3.3牙周膜应力分析及结论 23
3.4本章小结 27
4 基于线弹性模型的不同矫治方案下的埋伏尖牙牙周膜应力分析 28
4.1合适正畸力的评判标准 28
4.2不同矫治方案下的埋伏尖牙牙周膜应力分析对比 28
4.2.1方案一有限元求解结果分析 29
4.2.2方案二有限元求解结果分析 31
4.3本章小结 34
5 基于超弹性模型的不同矫治方案下的埋伏尖牙牙周膜应力分析 35
5.1牙周膜超弹性模型的建立 35
5.2不同矫治方案下的埋伏尖牙牙周膜应力分析对比 35
5.2.1方案三有限元求解结果分析 36
5.2.2方案四有限元求解结果分析 38
5.3牙周膜线弹性模型与超弹性模型的比较 41
5.4本章小结 43
6 总结与展望 44
6.1总结 44
6.2展望 44
致 谢 46
参考文献 47
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景
1.2 埋伏牙简介