摘 要
Analysis of geometric calibration accuracy of hyperspectral imaging system
Geometric calibration is needed to correct the geometric distortion in the process of high spectral imaging. In this paper, the geometric calibration accuracy of internal and external push-sweep imaging modes of two sets of high spectral imaging systems is analyzed. Two sets of high spectral imaging systems were used to collect images by internal push sweep and external push sweep. Through the method of manually selecting points, the control points on the shooting image are selected in ENVI software, and geometric calibration is carried out with the software's own fitting function. The measurement point is selected from the calibrated image for error analysis with the standard image, and the size, distribution rule and change of the average RMS value between channels are observed. The results show that the point with large error is at the edge of the image, which is caused by the serious geometric deformation of the edge of the camera lens and the tilt of the camera position. Short-wave near infrared camera internal/external push sweeping error difference is not big, visible near infrared camera internal push sweeping geometric calibration error significantly greater than the external push sweep, this is due to the external push sweeping the geometrical imaging method is more simple, less a relative motion, visible and near infrared sensor size is opposite bigger, therefore in the process of internal push sweeping because the sensors in the edge of the lens imaging range, therefore cause imaging conditions even worse; Due to changing with the wavelength of the optical system imaging features, visible near infrared camera in the middle channel imaging clearly band image minimum error, short-wave near infrared camera internal push sweep clear imaging band front channel image error is smaller, the external push sweep clear imaging band backend channel image error is small, but the error difference are within the scope of the manual click on error, actual operation when the default geometric calibration accuracy of the same images on each channel.
Key words:hyperspectral imaging;geometric calibration;precision analysis
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究内容与技术路线 3
1.2.1 研究内容 3
1.2.2 技术路线 3
2 实验数据采集 6
2.1 系统与材料 6
2.1.1 成像系统 6
2.1.2 标定板 6
2.1.3 辅助设备 7
2.2 实验设计与数据 8
3 几何标定 9
3.1 方案选择 9
3.1.1 基于HALcon 9
3.1.2 基于ENVI 9
3.1.3 对比分析 9
3.2 标定方法 10
3.2.1 选择base和warp图像 10
3.2.2 选择标定控制点 10
3.2.3 标定函数选择 12
4 标定精度分析 14
4.1 精度分析方法 14
4.1.1 测量点选取 14
4.1.2 测量点误差统计 14
4.1.3 图像精度与世界坐标精度映射 15
4.2 标定波段的几何精度分析 16
4.2.1 内部推扫 16
4.2.2 验证误差来源猜想实验 19
4.2.3 外部推扫 21
4.2.4 ENVI软件标定精度分析 28
4.2.5 内部推扫误差与外部推扫误差对比 30
4.3 波段间几何精度分析 32
4.3.1 可见近红外相机 32
4.3.2 短波近红外相机 36
结 论 39
致 谢 40
参考文献 41
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景
高光谱成像(Hyperspectral imaging,HSI),也叫成像光谱仪,最早是由上世纪70年代应用于遥感领域并逐渐发展起来[1]。由于国民经济各行各业对精确空间地理信息的迫切需求,对地观测技术在国家发展中地位日益上升,这也对我国对地观测数据和信息产品质量提出了更高的要求[2]。对地观测遥感主要分为两种手段:空间光学遥感和空间微波遥感[3~4],其中,空间光学遥感由于成像原理简单、信息获取直观等优势,一直是对地观测的首选方式[5]。多光谱成像仪,例如CCD成像仪,通过不同遥感谱段获取同一目标图像信息并将其组合,能够获取地面植被属性、地类属性、水质属性等重要物理属性[6]。在多光谱成像仪中,几何标定对提高信息准确性有着重要作用[7]。其中,吴国栋采用转动二维转台时,记录每隔特定角度星点在靶面上的坐标和转台角度,用最小二乘回归分析法解算数据,用微分法对标定误差进行分析[6]。
高光谱成像技术以多光谱成像为基础,由传统二维图像信息和光谱信息构成。随着科技进步以及光学探测技术愈发先进,成像光谱仪的光谱分辨能力已经达到纳米级,分光方式也呈多样化,几十到几百个连续狭窄波段光谱信息仅仅从一个像素上就能得到,并且,任何一个光谱都能生成一幅图像,实现“图谱合一”[8~9]。在进十年来,高光谱成像技术在食品工业、生物等领域也得到快速增长[10~12]。王彩霞利用基于可见/近红外的高光谱成像技术,通过建模对不同牛肉品种进行鉴定[13]。龚添胜用高光谱成像技术对雪花梨品质进行无损检测[14]。该技术在黄瓜叶片含磷素检测[15]、油菜氮含量检测[16]、茄子灰霉病的诊断[17]等方面也起到重要作用。王跃明总结了近年来中国在航空航天事业利用的高光谱成像技术,如天宫一号运动补偿高光谱成像技术,并指出突破数据处理定量化、智能化等方面,是接下来发展高光谱成像的重要方向和趋势[18]。高光谱成像系统型号众多,其中常见的可分为传统的光机扫描型和基于声光可调谐滤光器(Acousto-optic Tunable Filter,AOTF)以及液晶可调滤光器(Liquid Crystal Tunable Filter,LCTF)等电调谐器件凝视成像型[19-21]。如果基于分光器进行分类,大致可分为色散型成像光谱仪、干涉型成像光谱仪和可调谐滤光器型成像光谱仪[22]。其中,色散型成像光谱仪是最开始实用的成像光谱仪,其分光元件为光栅或三棱镜[23]。在AOTF系统中,高志帆在出射面放置精密设计的光楔,充当补偿器,弥补了AOTF晶体导致一个方向上图像变模糊的缺陷,起到良好的标定作用[24]。周阳提出,凝视型AOTF中红外光谱成像仪具有更丰富的前景,与推扫式相比,其几何校正的设备空间及计算时间都有显著缩短,且无需进行谱间校正[9]。