
 2021-04-07 12:04

摘 要

我国森林资源贫乏,随着经济的打断发展,人们越来越重视对自然资源的利用。与实木相比,单板层积材的优势是结构均匀,变形小,强度高等特点。对LVL的研究,对于实现速生材的高效利用和对缓解我国木材短缺都具有重要的意义。随着我国改革开放的深人和人们生活水平的不断提高,再加上家具、建筑、桥梁和运输等行业的发展,对木材的需求将不断增加, 能够代替优质木材利用的LVL在国内将会有广阔的市场前景。

铺装机是人造板成产中的主要的设备,主要完成板坯的形成,其中数控组坯机设计是其中的关键部分,主要涉及两个伺服电机的定位。针对传统的成产模式提出一些修改,其中铺装机数控系统由PLC集中控制, PLC根据各部分测得的数据,使单板控制在理想的状态上,利用PLC编程语言使铺装机的生产更加人性化,防止了拉断和扭曲问题的出现,便于控制提高生产效率。

本课题主要采用了西门子S7-200系列PLC进行单板层积材铺装机数控系统进行的设计,S7-200系列的小型PLC可应用于各种自动化系统。SIMATIC S7-200系列是西门子公司刚投入市场不久的小型PLC,由于带有部分输入/输出单元,既可以单机运行,也可以扩展其他模块运行。其紧凑的结构、低廉的成本以及强大的指令集使得S7-200PLC成为各种小型控制任务的理想解决方案。



Forest resources in our country are not much, with the development of the interrupted economic, people are paying more and more attention to the use of the natural resources. Compared with the solid wood, laminated veneer lumber have the advantages of uniform structure, small deformation, high strength and so on. The research on LVL, to achieve efficient use of fast-growing wood and to alleviate the shortage of wood in China has important significance. With China's reform and the continuous improvement of people's living standard, the demand for wood will continue to increase. The development of coupled with the furniture, building, bridge, transportation and other industries can be used instead of high quality wood utilization of LVL , which has a broad market prospect in China.

Paving machine is a main equipment of wood-based panel production, mainly to complete the formation of the slab, and the CNC group compact machine design is the key part of it. Positioning mainly relates to the two servo motors. In view of the traditional production mode, we could put forward some modification, among which the paving machine CNC system consists of PLC centralized control. According to the measured data, PLC can make the single board in an ideal state. Using PLC programming language can make the paving machine production more humane and can prevent breaking and twist problems, which make it easy to control improve production efficiency.

The main topic of the use of Siemens S7-200 series PLC design of laminated veneer wood paving machine CNC system, a small PLC S7-200 series can be applied to various automation system .The SIMATIC S7-200 series are small PLC Siemens that the company just put on the market. Because of the part of input / output unit, it can simply run, and it can also be extended to other modules. Its compact structure, low cost and powerful instruction set makes S7-200PLC become the ideal solution for small control task.

Keywords: laminated veneer lumber, S7-200, PLC programming


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1单板层积材 1

1.2研究目的和意义 2

1.3国内外发展状况 2

第二章 可编程控制器PLC 4

2.1 PLC的特点与应用 4

2.1.1 PLC的特点与应用 4

2.1.2 PLC的发展趋势 4

2.2 西门子S-200 PLC 6

2.2.1 S7-200硬件结构 6

2.2.1 S7-200工作原理 10

第三章 控制系统编程 12

3.1 铺装机的工作原理 12

3.1.1机械铺装工作原理 12

3.1.2 铺装机生产流程图 15

3.2 Easybuilder500 触摸屏 16

3.3人机界面 17

3.4 EM253位控模块 22

3.5 S7-200 PLC数字控制系统 25

3.5.1 STEP 7-Micro/WIN 编程软件 25

3.5.2 STEP 7-Micro/WIN 梯形图编程 29

第四章 电气原理图 45

4.1 PLC电气图 45

第五章 结论与展望 50

5.1 结论 50

5.2 展望 51

致谢 52

参考文献 53

第一章 绪论


单板层积材(Laminated Veneer Lumber, LVL)是由厚单板沿顺纹方向层积组坯、热压胶合再锯割而成的材料。单向组坯的生产方式使得LVL与实木相比具有结构均匀、强度高、尺寸稳定性好等优点,能够满足木结构建筑、桥梁、家具和交通等领域的使用要求。


单板层积材由于其在规格、强度、性能等方面的独到优势.具有非常广泛的应用范围, 按其用途可分为非结构用和结构用两种。其中结构用单板层积材又分为小规格结构材和大规格结构材。非结构用单板层积材主要用于家具制造, 做高档家具台面的芯材或框架规格结构材主要用做门窗构架、内部墙壁支柱和门窗框、楼梯等建筑部件; 大规格结构材可广泛用于建筑托梁, 屋顶衍架、工字梁等构件, 家庭住宅的屋顶、结构框架和地板系统中, 也可作车船材、枕木等。

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