
 2021-04-07 12:04

摘 要

激光打标作为一种新型的标记技术,其原理是利用高密度、高能量的激光束在物件表面灼蚀出永久性标记。激光打标机是集光学、电子、机械和计算机等技术于一体的机电一体化设备[1]。目前,激光打标有微机控制和单片机控制两种,鉴于这两种方法都存在各自的优点和缺陷,因此我们采用新型的方法来处理:运用现代设计方法,针对新型ARM处理器平台提出激光打标系统的整体实现方案。将激光打标控制系统分为上位机和下位机,上位机负责绘制打标图形,完成插补算法,并通过PCI总线发送插补后的图形数据给下位机DSPIC。系统上位机采用工控机,在Windows XP的操作系统下,基于VC 开发的软件最终实现系统功能。设计出来的产品相比较目前市场上的产品具有廉价、高精度、高可靠性、柔性化、网络化等特点。但目前控制系统中,人机交互软件运行在计算机上,硬件控制卡则安装在主板上,这就存在着一定的局限性。


本课题研究激光打标机控制系统的组成及实现方式,提出激光打标系统的整体实现方案。在PC机操作系统Windows XP下,将激光打标系统划分为多个独立并行运行的任务并将其添加到Windows XP中来实现打标系统所要完成的功能。基于VC 开发的软件最终实现系统功能,并能进行图形失真的修正处理。设计出来的产品相比较目前市场上的产品具有廉价、高精度、高可靠性、柔性化、网络化等特点。

关键词:激光打标机 ,VC , 控制系统


Laser marking as a new marker technology, the principle is the use of high-density, high-energy laser beam on the object surface burning eclipse the permanent marker. Laser marking machine is a set of optical, electronic, mechanical and computer technology in one of electromechanical integration equipment [1]. Currently, there are computer controlled laser marking and microprocessor control of two, in view of these two methods have their advantages and disadvantages, so we adopt a new approach to deal with: the use of modern design methods, the new ARM processor-based platform for laser marking standard overall system implementation. Laser marking control system is divided into upper and lower machine, marking the PC is responsible for drawing graphics, complete interpolation algorithm, and sent through the PCI bus after interpolation graphic data to the next crew DSPIC. PC systems IPC in the Windows XP operating system, VC based software developed and ultimately system functions. Compare products designed products currently on the market with a low-cost, high-precision, high reliability, flexibility, network characteristics. But the current control system, human-computer interaction software running on the computer, the hardware controller card is installed on the motherboard, which there are some limitations.

Laser marking technology widely used, making more and more users want to be able to light marking devices, miniaturization direction, can be flexibly applied to various processing sites.

This study is laser marking machine control system components and implementation, raised the overall laser marking system implementations. In the PC operating system under Windows XP, the laser marking system is divided into multiple independent tasks running in parallel and added to in Windows XP marking system to achieve the functions to be accomplished. VC based software developed by the ultimate realization of system functions, and can be graphical distortion correction process. Compare products designed products currently on the market with a low-cost, high-precision, high reliability, flexibility, network characteristics.

KeyWords: Laser Marking Machine; VC ; Control system


第一章 前言 1

1.1概述 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究内容 2

1.4 特色与创新 2

第二章 激光打标软件系统总体设计 3

2.1 激光打标软件开发环境 3

2.2 激光打标软件构成 3

2.3 激光打标软件的模块分析 4

2.4 本章小结 5

第三章 激光打标软件的图元绘制模块设计 6

3.1 图元绘制模块概述 6

3.2 简单图元的绘制 6

3.2.1绘制矩形 6

3.2.2 绘制类矩图元 8

3.3 高级图元的导入 11

3.3.1 关于AutoCAD软件的dxf文件导入 11

3.3.2 点阵位图bmp文件导入 16

3.4 本章小结 17

第四章 插补算法研究 18

4.1 逐点比较法插补 18

4.1.1 直线插补的算法 18

4.1.2 圆弧插补的算法 22

4.2 本章小结 25

第五章 激光打标软件图元变换设计 26

5.1 图元变换的设计 26

5.1.1 图元的基本变换 26

5.1.2 图元的阵列变换 28

5.2 变量文本设计 29

5.2.1 键盘方式的变量文本 29

5.2.2 日期方式的变量文本 30

5.3 位图的变换操作 31

5.4 本章小结 33

第六章 激光标刻功能界面简介 34

6.1 激光菜单功能 34

6.2 打标实验效果展示 34

6.3 本章小结 35

第七章 总结与展望 36

7.1 总结 36

7.2 展望 36

致 谢 37

参考文献 38

附录 39

附录1 打开和保存bmp矢量图的VC 程序 39

附录2 画点、直线、矩形、椭圆的VC 程序 43

附录3 数控插补VC 程序 47

第一章 前言




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