摘 要
本课题是TCL模型电话机凸模造型与NC加工仿真,要求完成零件的三维造型设计,围绕曲面的数控编程和加工,在工艺分析的基础上,利用机械制造相关知识,自动完成零件的加工。使得在已学习数控技术的基础上加入模具CAD/CAM、数控技术等相关学科得到有机的结合,更好地掌握现代主流制造技术。运用所学知识深入学习AutoCAD的平面绘图、UG或Master三维造型与Mastercam的自动编程和数控加工工艺。设计的主要内容: 1、编写数控交互自动编程有关的综述; 2、绘制零件平面图; 3、利用UG、Pro/E或Master软件进行零件三维几何建模; 4、根据零件技术要求和材料特征,编写零件的数控加工工艺过程; 5、计算相关工艺参数,包括主轴转速、切削深度、进给速度等; 6、利用Mastercam等相关软件进行数控加工仿真,生成零件的数控加工程序
The mould that talked in this thesis is male mould. It is a typical part in CNC machining center. In general case, its curved surface is complicated relatively. And curved surface’s working points need to be considered. The male mould can be processed only with CNC machine with X, Y, Z axis. The rule of process program about CNC machine which has over three axises is based on the present CAM software with the method of graphic interaction. The program should input the relevant data, imitate the cause of working, use the post processing software, to generate the corresponding NC machining process of NC system.
This thesis is about the TCL model telephone punch and NC machining simulation. It requires to complete the design of three dimension of parts, NC programming and machining of curved surface. The parts are completed automatically based on the technology analysis and the related knowledge of machine. The aim of this thesis is to better grasp the mainstream of modern manufacturing technology, which is based on NC technology, CAD/CAM and other related subjects. The author uses the knowledge he has studied to learn graphic drawing of AutoCAD, UG or Master three-dimensional modeling and automatic programming and NC machining process of Mastercam. The design contains six parts. First, writing a review of NC interactive automatic programming; second, drawing planar graph of parts; third, using UG, Pro/E or Master software to make 3D geometric modeling; fourth, writing NC machining process of parts according to the technical requirements of parts and the characteristics of material; fifth, calculating relevant process parameters, including the spindle speed, cutting depth, feed rate and so on; last, using relevant software, like Mastercam, to conduct NC machining simulation and generate the NC machining process of parts.
Key words: process program telephone punch machining simulation
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
绪 论 1
1 TCL电话机的三维建模 2
1.1国内外数控机床的发展趋势 2
1.2 数控机床的组成及加工原理 4
1.3数控铣加工概述 5
1.4 研究内容和意义 5
1.5 研究的创新内容 5
2 凸模电话机的CATIA的造型方法 6
2.1 引言 6
2.2本章小结 7
3 电话机凸模的数控加工工艺分析 8
3.1电话机凸模图形分析 8
3.2加工工艺分析 8
3.3选择加工路线 9
4 凸模加工刀具路径生成 10
4.1工件设定 10
4.2曲面粗加工挖槽 11
4.3曲面粗加工等高外形 13
4.4曲面精加工等高外形 14
4.5曲面精加工浅平面 16
4.6曲面精加工环绕等距 18
4.7曲面粗加工挖槽 19
4.8曲面精加工交线清角 20
4.9加工仿真 22
5 毕业设计总结 23
6 致谢 25
参考文献 26
绪 论
1 TCL电话机的三维建模