摘 要
FS - table FV radiation heating ventilation hood structure design
hermal radiation table is often installed in foreign implementation of solar radiation data acquisition, complex work in the field environment, radiation table easily affected by dust, moisture but biased data, in a cold environment, the temperature of the surrounding influence on radiation table is larger. Now, although the ventilation hood solved the pollution particles influence on radiation table, but to reduce the influence of ambient temperature effect is not ideal. This is due to the solar energy resources observatory functional specification requirements book heating power are not more than 10 w, this represents a component of heat production is limited, plus the air volume of fan is larger, the heat generated by the heating element of radiation table extremely limited.
The design of the ventilation hood integral mechanism are expounded, the ventilation hood parts according to the technical requirements and design calculation and the actual use processing requirements for the strength of the factors such as the check calculation. Finally, how to install ventilation hood and ventilation hood will often appear problems are expounded. This design on the current design USES a new kind of structural design, in the guarantee not be under the influence of dust and moisture, in a cold environment also can realize small error ventilation hood structure design of data acquisition.
Key words:Thermal radiation table;Ventilation hood;Data acquisition; To reduce the error
1绪论 - 1 -
1.1.1 FS-FV辐射表通风罩的背景 - 1 -
1.1.2 FS-FV辐射表通风罩的意义 - 1 -
1.1.3 国内外研究情况 - 2 -
1.1.4 本章小结 - 2 -
2整体结构设计 - 3 -
2.1 整体结构设计 - 3 -
2.1.1 实用新型内容 - 3 -
2.1.2整体结构设计以及工作原理 - 3 -
2.1.3电路图 - 5 -
2.1.4 主要技术指标 - 7 -
2.1.5本章小结 - 7 -
3零件设计及强度校核 - 8 -
3.1零件设计 - 8 -
3.1.1过度安装板设计 - 8 -
3.1.2风扇的选取 - 9 -
3.1.3 通风罩接线盒的设计 - 11 -
3.1.4 隔板的初步设计 - 13 -
3.1.5 衬套的设计 - 14 -
3.1.6 过渡螺钉的设计 - 14 -
3.1.7 锁紧环的设计 - 16 -
3.1.8定位套的设计 - 17 -
3.1.9调节脚和固定脚的设计 - 17 -
3.1.10加热电阻的选择 - 19 -
3.2强度校核 - 19 -
3.2.1隔板长度效和 - 19 -
3.2.2支撑脚强度校核 - 19 -
3.2.3整体高度的效和 - 20 -
3.3本章小结 - 20 -
4通风罩的安装以及常见问题处理方法 - 20 -
4.1通风罩的安装 - 20 -
4.2 辐射传感器安装 - 24 -
4.3常见问题处理 - 26 -
4.3.1维护 - 26 -
4.3.2 故障诊断 - 26 -
4.4本章小结 - 27 -
致 谢 - 27 -
参考文献(三号、黑体、顶格) - 28 -
1.1 FS-FV辐射表通风罩的意义及背景
1.1.1 FS-FV辐射表通风罩的背景
光热型总辐射表的工作环境复杂、变化多端,既要求减少空气中污染颗粒在辐射 表玻璃罩的附着,同时要求在寒冷的天气条件下,周围环境的温度对辐射表表体的影响尽量的小。现有的通风罩虽然解决了污染颗粒对辐射表的影响,但是对于减少周围环境温度 影响的效果则不理想,这是由于《太阳能资源观测站功能规格需求书》规定加热功率不大于 10W,这就意味着电热元件产热有限,而现有通风罩选取的加热元件均为热敏电阻形式,它的散热面积有限并且远离辐射表,又由于通风罩风机风量较大,加热元件产生的热量对辐射表的影响极其有限。
1.1.2 FS-FV辐射表通风罩的意义