摘 要
随着现代工业的迅速发展,数控车床以好精度 好重量 好效率等完美加工性能在当今生产中广泛的使用,而数控车床的床身作为数控车床的关键性基础部件对保证数控车床的加工性能起着至关重要的作用,它的静态特性直接影响车床的加工精度及精度稳定性,因此开展对数控车床的床身的静态特性研究对提高数控车床加工性能大有益处。数控机床技术的出现给机械制造行业产生了革命性的影响,尤其是近些年来计算机技术和现代设计这两门高技术高速发展,再加上装备制造行业对这种这种机床的大额度的需求,这是的数控机床应用的范围不断在扩大,而且在不断地发展,并以此更加适应各种生产和加工的需求,市场空间巨大。
本研究课题,基于已有的有限元分析软件,就数控车床的床身进行应力,应变分析和模态分析。对床身的传统设计,往往凭借经验或已经有的工程实例用比拟的方法进行设计,及结果是安全系数过大 笨重 浪费材料,难以达到所需要求。
因此,利用有限元分析方法在确保结构安全可靠的前提下使结构更加合理;在保证结构有足够的强度 刚度和稳定性的条件下,节省材料消耗,降低产品成本;建立一种普遍适用于床身结构的有限元分析模型,研究和探讨分析的结果;通过床身结构的有限元静态分析,探索提高床身结构静态性能;提高有限元分析方法,克服数控车床建模困难,利用机械行业功能强大的PRO/E图形软件,从工程应用的角度出发,研究和开发一套实用的高效的分析方法。
关键词: 数控车床床身;有限元分析;建模;静态分析
Static finite element analysis of CNC lathe bed
With the rapid development of modern industry, CNC lathe to the high precision and high quality and high efficiency, excellent processing performance in the modern industrial production is used more and more widely, and the CNC lathe bed as a key basic parts of CNC lathe CNC lathe processing performance plays a crucial role to ensure, its static characteristics directly affect the lathe machining accuracy and stability. Therefore, to carry out the study of the static characteristics of the lathe bed to improve the CNC lathe processing performance is very beneficial. CNC machine tool technology to machinery manufacturing industry has had a revolutionary impact, especially in recent years, computer technology and modern design of the two High technology high speed development, coupled with the equipment manufacturing industry of this machine a large amount of demand, this is the application of NC machine tool continuous expanding and in constant development, and thus more suitable for the needs of production and processing of various, market space is enormous.
This paper, based on the existing finite element analysis software, the CNC lathe bed were stress, strain analysis and modal analysis. The traditional design of the bed, often by virtue of experience or have some engineering examples with comparison method was designed. And the result is safety factor is too large and heavy waste material, is difficult to achieve the desired requirements.
Therefore, by means of the finite element analysis method under the premise to ensure the safety and reliability of the structure makes the structure more reasonable; under the guarantee structure has enough strength, stiffness and stability conditions, saving the material consumption and reduce the product cost; the establishment of a generally applicable to bed structure of finite element analysis model, to study and discuss the results of the analysis; through the bed structure finite element static analysis, explore the ways to improve the static performance of the bed structure; improve the finite element analysis method, to overcome the modeling difficulty of NC lathe, using machinery industry has powerful function of Pro / E graphics software, starting from the point of view of engineering application, research and development of a practical efficient analysis method.
Key words: NC; FEM; Modeling; Static Analysis
目 录
第一章 绪论...................................................................1
1.1 前言...................................................................1
1.2 数值模拟技术及其应用...................................................1
1.3 有限元分析和结构优化的发展现状.........................................1
1.3.1 结构分析中的有限元法...............................................2
1.3.2 有限元法的分类.....................................................3
1.4 本课题的意义和研究类容.................................................3
1.4.1 数控车床的简介.....................................................4
1.4.2 选题目的和意义.....................................................4
1.4.3 本课题的研究内容和方法 ............................................4
第二章 数控车床结构的有限元静力分析...........................................6
2.1 引言...................................................................6
2.2 数控车床结构特点.......................................................6
2.3 数控车床床身有限元静力分析.............................................6
2.3.1 车床床身有限元建模.................................................7
2.4 单元的选取及网格划分...................................................9
2.5 计算结果于分析........................................................12
2.6 模型于计算结果精度分析................................................12
2.7 切应力工况分析........................................................12