摘 要
The design of 4 hole tapping machine and fixture body S195
With the rapid development of modern industrial technology, especially the rapid development in the field of automation, the combination of machine tool research has become an important direction of modern machinery manufacturing. Combined machine tool is based on the needs of different parts in the actual industrial production, with a large number of common parts as the foundation, with a small amount of special components composed of a high efficiency of the machine tool.
This design is the design of 4 hole tapping machine and fixture body s195. To develop the overall process design, and then determine the amount of cutting, cutting power, cutting torque. "Three cards" design, process diagram, processing sketch map, machine tool size contact diagram and machine tool productivity calculation card determination. Next, the plan of the main shaft box and the size of the calculation, drawing the assembly of the main spindle box. Finally determine the combination of machine tool fixture design, draw the specific map and fixture assembly.
The design process involves a large number of mathematical calculations, to ensure the rationality of the design of the machine tool and the accuracy and quality of the machine tool.
Key words: machine tool; the "three maps of a card"; accuracy
目 录
前 言 1
1 组合机床概述 2
1.1组合机床及其特点 2
1.2组合机床的发展趋向 2
1.2.1 提高通用部件的水平 2
1.2.2 发展自动化技术 2
1.2.3 国内外研究情况 3
2 组合机床的总体设计 4
2.1 组合机床工艺方案的拟定 4
2.1.1组合机床工艺方案的基本原则 4
2.1.2 分析、研究加工要求和现场工艺 4
2.2确定切削用量、切削功率、切削扭矩 5
2.2.1切削用量的选择 5
2.2.2切削扭矩、切削功率及切削力的确定 6
2.3“三图一卡”的设计 7
2.3.1被加工零件工序图 7
2.3.2加工示意图 8
2.3.3机床联系尺寸图 9
2.3.4机床生产率计算卡 12
3 组合机床主轴箱设计 15
3.1主轴箱通用零件的选择 15
3.2主轴箱的设计步骤和内容 15
3.2.1绘制主轴箱设计原始依据 15
3.2.2设计传动系统的注意事项 16
3.2.3传动系统设计 17
3.3主轴箱坐标计算 18
3.3.1加工基准坐标系的选择及主轴坐标的确定 18
3.3.2传动轴坐标计算 18
3.3.3验算中心距误差 20
3.4攻丝行程控制机构的设计 21
3.4.1攻丝行程控制机构的控制原理 21
3.4.2攻丝行程控制机构的选用 22
3.5主轴箱总图设计 22
3.5.1主视图设计 22
3.5.2展开图设计 23
3.5.3动力箱与后盖、前后盖与主轴箱的定位 23
3.6主轴箱设计的其他问题 23
3.6.1靠模头 23
3.6.2几何干涉校核 23
3.6.3手柄轴的操作问题 24
4 组合机床夹具设计 25
4.1夹具设计方案的拟定 25
4.1.1组合机床夹具概述 25
4.1.2组合机床夹具的设计步骤 25
4.1.3组合机床夹具结构方案的制定 26
4.2夹具体设计 28
4.3夹具总图的绘制 29
4.3.1 夹具总图上应表示的内容 29
4.3.2 绘制总图的程序和要求 29
4.3.3 夹具总图上的主要尺寸和技术条件 30
结论 31
致谢 32
前 言