摘 要
Structure design of Micro pipe robot
Micro pipe robot is one of the main research directions in the field of micro robot. Due to the limitation of the narrow space, it is difficult for human to complete the pipeline inspection work, so the application of micro pipeline robot has a broad prospect in many fields. Micro pipe robot is one of the important research fields in the field of micro robot. Due to the limitation of the narrow space, it is difficult to carry out some operations, so the application prospect of micro pipeline robot is very broad in many fields.
The design planning a new inspection robot used to detect natural gas pipeline or oil pipeline, analyzes its whole mechanical structure and detection principle, and considered in the pipeline position and power system, pipeline detection problem solving. Easy to enhance the stability of the robot and its flexibility, using a symmetrical balance can ensure that the robot can successfully walk through the radius of the 300mm--500mm pipeline. To make analysis of the pipeline robot in pipeline in motion and walking around the block. On the basis of considering the use ultrasonic scanning observation essentials, make inspection and maintenance become more convenient and simple, in real life can come in handy. Analysis of its power system and walking structure, including the choice of motor and transmission scheme, in the use of SolidWorks2014 software for micro pipe robot three-dimensional modeling, and draw engineering drawings.
Key words:Pipeline robot; structure design; ultrasonic testing
1绪论 1
1.1 微小管道机器人研究目的及意义 1
1.2 国内外管道检测技术的研究现状 1
1.3 国内外微小管道机器人的发展趋势 2
1.3.2国外管道机器人的研究现状 3
2微小管道机器人的总体方案设计 6
2.1 管道检测作业机器人的样式比对 6
2.1.1 管道检测作业机器人设计要求的提出 6
2.1.2 几种主要类型的微小管道机器人 6
2.2.1管道检测作业机器人变径系统 11
2.2.2 管道检测作业机器人行走机构 11
2.2.3 管道检测作业机器人检测控制系统 11
2.3 本章小结 13
3管道检测作业机器人的机械本体设计 14
3.1 机械本体的结构设计 14
3.2变径系统结构设计 15
3.2.1 工作原理 15
3.2.4变径系统电机的选择 18
3.3 管道检测作业机器人行走机构计算和校验 19
3.3.1 行走轮机构设计 19
3.3.2 里程轴结构设计与验算 20
3.4 本章小结 23
4结论 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 26
1.1 微小管道机器人研究目的及意义
目前国内外的管道外检测技术都有了很好的发展。现在要紧的管道检测修护方法是分段人工检查维修,检查管道外面的完好性 ,但是这种方法耗时耗利,效率低下,并且检测不到管道内部情况,有的管道内部锈蚀腐蚀严重,人工外侧检测不到则存在较大的安全隐患。管道设施的发展速度十分迅速,但是难题是在维修探测上我们根本无法跟上这样的速度。一般的管道清洁机器只能在管道内部进行一些简单的工作,很难进入很深或者有弯曲或者竖直的位置。一般的管道内部清洁机器就像一个四轮小车在管道内进行移动前进。它们都有很多的弊端,如危险系数高,行进效率低下,探测机器不灵活,探测的环境也多种多样等;并且在管道弯曲处这些机器很难继续前行或清扫。