摘 要
关键词: 全地形;双节同步带 ;独立运动 ;转向性 ;越障性。
The structure design of the whole terrain mobile robot
With the development of science and technology, all terrain robot can be widely used in many fields because it can adapt to various complex environment. Mechanical structure as its foundation, to a large extent, determines the merits of the robot. The complex environment of the whole terrain robot is required to have a reliable mechanical structure, which is sufficient to ensure its activities in a variety of complex environment. Synchronous belt type obstacle surmounting vehicle moves with the mobile and flexible, a large area, pressure and many other advantages can make robot in complex environment in the field of freedom and flexibility. A double type synchronous belt as design ideas to the DC motor to drive. When the robot obstacle navigation, the two swing arms can rotate around the joint shaft to rotate a certain angle so as to assist the body of obstacle climbing and non institutional environment for robot to achieve independence movement. With its mobile carrier, can be equipped with a variety of equipment, to complete the multiple tasks.
The chassis device of the synchronous belt type mobile robot is the most basic structure, and it is also an important part. The mechanical performance of the chassis device is good or bad directly determines the overall performance of the robot. This paper analysis and summarize the domestic and foreign various synchronous belt configuration basis and characteristics of mobile robot, the robot chassis structural design, adopting the synchronous belt type obstacle surmounting chassis scheme, analysis of various configurations of the synchronous belt the mobility of the mobile robot chassis device, and has carried on the research and discussion.
Based on the 3D model of the synchronous belt type mobile robot, the motor performance and balance performance of the mobile robot are analyzed and calculated, and the optimum structure of the chassis device of the synchronous belt type mobile robot is designed.
Key words : All terrain; double synchronous belt; independent movement; obstacle of steering.
目 录
1 绪论 - 4 -
1.1引言 - 4 -
1.2全地形移动机器人的发展状况 - 5 -
1.2.1国外发展现状 - 6 -
1.2.2国内发展现状 - 7 -
1.3 全地形机器人目前存在的问题 - 8 -
1.4全地形移动机器人的发展趋势 - 9 -
1.5本文主要研究内容 - 10 -
2 全地形移动机器人的基本结构设计 - 11 -
2.1全地形移动机器人的底盘结构设计 - 11 -
2.1.1 驱动系统 - 11 - 电动机选型 - 12 - 带轮结构 - 16 -
2.1.2 底盘避震器设计 - 18 -结构设计 - 18 -弹簧设计计算 - 19 -
2.2 全地形移动机器人旋转机械臂结构设计 - 20 -
2.2.1关节旋转电机 - 21 -
2.2.2前臂轮 - 23 -
2.2.3前臂轮同步带 - 24 -
3 机器人越障平衡性分析 - 25 -
3.1爬坡 - 25 -
3.2跨越沟槽 - 26 -
3.2.1跨越水平沟槽 - 26 -
3.2.2跨越斜坡沟槽 - 27 -
3.3跨越凸起 - 28 -
3.3.1 跨越矮小台阶 - 28 -
3.3.2 跨越高台阶 - 30 -
3.4侧向台阶行走 - 32 -
3.5 本章小结 - 33 -
总 结 - 34 -
致 谢 - 36 -
参考文献 - 37 -
1 绪论
移动机器人虽是被制造用于工业制造领域的,但因其广泛适用性,也逐渐被应用于其它行业,如建筑运输、军事侦察、农林巡防、灾场搜救、星球探测、有毒有害区域侦测、医疗服务等。如今移动机器人已经不再局限于单一行业,例如Pack Bot是美国 i Robot 公司为美国国防军事开发的移动机器人,在伊拉克战争中,完成了搜索山洞中隐藏的基地组织及搜索核武器的任务,但在在美国纽约世贸大楼爆炸案中,它却充当了搜救员。在星球探测方面,Spirit与其它火星探测器,相继进行了火星探测,并且完美完成了任务。移动机器人在星球探测中取得的成就表明了移动机器人的伟大前景。随着人类活动空间的不断拓展,移动机器人在空间探测方面将会起到不可替代的作用,因此移动机器人在实际应用中所面临的关键技术将会成为人类未来世界发展的关键。