摘 要
Biaxial tensile machine design
In the actual work life, can produce large deformation of the composite of polymer materials will be a variety of load effect, the biaxial tensile deformation of the highest. Uniaxial stress test data can not truly reflect the nature of materials in terms of mechanics, and biaxial stress states can make up for it, its mechanical properties can be real reflect the specific properties of the material. But the current biaxial tensile testing device is large, is not conducive to integrated with microscopic imaging device, leading to the biaxial tensile testing technology research carried out in situ. Abroad while existing commercial small biaxial stretching in situ testing device, but the function is relatively single, expensive, and not easy to introduce. Domestic development relatively late in biaxial stretching in situ test, is not mature in the commercialization of the products. Therefore, developed with independent intellectual property rights of biaxial stretching mechanics in situ testing device, for promote our country closer to the service conditions of material micro failure mechanism of the research is of great significance. Therefore need to design a kind of biaxial tensile machine, complete drawing machine basic mechanical structure design and system control scheme. Biaxial tensile machine is mainly used for the tensile strength of material, the most energetically, extending efficiency, mechanical properties such as modulus of elasticity test. By applying four servo motor on the material direction of external force, and with the sensor in the concrete test experiment, the external strain of understanding the true nature of the material at the time of biaxial tensile test.
Keyword: Biaxially stretched; Material; Mechanical properties;
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景与研究意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 双轴拉伸力学测试装置与研究进展 2
2 双轴材料拉伸机方案设计 6
2.1 设计任务 6
2.1.1 课题分析 6
2.1.2 任务书 6
2.2 总体方案确定 6
2.2.1确定方案 7
2.2.2 参数选择 7
2.2.3 运动方式 8
2.2.4 总体结构 8
2.2.5 小结 9
3 伺服电机的确定 11
3.1 初选伺服电机参数 11
3.2 机电领域中伺服电机的选择原则 11
3.2.1 传统的选择方法 11
3.2.2 新的选择方法 12
3.3 一般伺服电机选择考虑的问题 12
3.3.1 电机的最高转速 13
3.3.2 惯量匹配问题及计算负载惯量 13
3.3.3 空载加速转矩 13
3.3.4 切削负载转矩 13
3.3.5 连续过载时间 14
3.4 根据负载转矩选择伺服电机 14
3.5 根据负载惯量选择伺服电机 14
3.6 电机加减速时的转矩 16
3.6.1 按线性加减速时加速转矩 16
3.6.2 按指数曲线加速 17
3.7 根据电机转矩均方根值选择电机 18
3.8 伺服电机选择的步骤、方法以及公式 19
3.8.1 决定运行方式 19
3.8.2 计算负载换算到电机轴上的转动惯量GD2 19
3.8.3 初选电机 20
3.8.4 核算加减速时间或加减速功率 20
3.8.5 考虑工作循环与占空因素的实效转矩计算 20
4 双轴材料拉伸机的确定 22
4.1 工作台外形尺寸及重量估算 22
4.2 滚珠丝杆的选用 22
4.2.1静载荷条件 23
4.2.2 丝杠寿命计算 23
4.2.3 丝杠强度计算 24
4.2.4 丝杠的稳定性 25
4.2.5 丝杠的刚度 25
4.2.6 丝杠的传动效率功率 27
4.2.7 滚珠丝杠几何参数 27
4.2.8 注意问题 28
4.3 滚动导轨的选用 31
4.4 移动部分各部件的重量计算 32
4.5 支撑滚珠丝杠的轴承的选择及验算 33
4.5.1 动横梁变形的验算 35
4.5.2 静横梁变形的验算 36
4.6 联轴器的选择计算 37
4.7 转动部件的等效转动惯量计算 38
4.8 移动部件的等效转动惯量的计算 40
4.9 检验传动刚度引起的定位误差 40
结论 41
致谢 42
参考文献 43
1 绪论
1.1 选题背景与研究意义