摘 要
Structure design and dynamic simulation of Parallel Type Six-axis Accelerometer
With the rapid development of science and technology, it is imperative for people to know the requirement of the objective. It is an urgent need for the measurement
system of the six - dimensional acceleration sensor which can obtain the multi -degree of freedom motion information simultaneously. For objects in the 3D space motion, if you want to obtain an accurate and comprehensive data on the moving object changes, direct measurement of six dimensional acceleration parameter is more common, so
parallel type six axis accelerometer birth attendant.
Six dimensional acceleration sensor is a kind of multi input and multi output
inertial measuring instrument, at present, the domestic and foreign countries are still in the stage of theory exploration. Aiming at the difficult problem of multidimensional sensor pre tight difficulties and decoupling difficulties, this topic through the design of six dimensional acceleration sensor based on 12 branched redundant parallel mechanism, and the dynamics software ADAMS is used to simulate two aspects the is studied. Intends to design of six axis accelerometer's elastic body structure is simple, with preload and the anti loosing function, for the high precision measurement sensor provides structure guarantee; quasi of dynamics simulation show the mappingrelationship between the input and output quantities and for the subsequent construction of decoupling algorithm offers the guarantee for the algorithm.
Key words: Six-axis accelerometer; Parallel mechanism;Pre tightening and anti loosening; Parameter identification
目 录
1 绪论 5
1.1课题研究的目的及意义 5
1.2六维加速度传感器的国内外研究现状 5
1.2.1质量块作用型六维加速度传感器 5
1.2.2基座作用型六维加速度传感器 7
1.3本课题研究的主要内容 10
1.4特色与创新 10
2 并联式六维加速度传感器结构设计 11
2.1工作原理 11
2.2并联式六维加速度传感器结构设计 11
2.3并联式六维加速度传感器的基本结构组成 12
2.4并联式六维加速度传感器的预紧柱及其防松装置 19
3 并联式六维加速度传感器的解耦算法研究 20
3.1位形空间内建立的解耦算法 20
3.1.1基于牛顿-欧拉方程的动力学模型 20
3.1.2 动力学方程的求解算法 25
3.1.3 算列验证 26
致谢 28
参考文献 29
1 绪论
1.1 课题的研究目的及意义
1.2 六维加速度传感器的国内外研究现状