摘 要
三坐标测量机(Coordinate Measuring Machine,CMM) 在工业发展的过程中凭借其很强的自动化水平,被普遍应用在先进的制造技术与科研当中。如今在几何量精密测量中,形位误差的测量有着举足轻重的作用。换句话说,在工程应用中,基于三坐标测量的形状误差测量变得尤其关键。
Measurement and analysis of the size and geometric error of the upper cover of the relay
With the development of industry, three coordinate measuring machine has a very extensive application as a kind of strong versatility, high degree of automation, high precision measurement system in the advanced manufacturing technology and scientific research. Now in geometric precision measurement, measurement of form and position errors plays an important role. In other words, CMM which based on the shape error measurement becomes particularly critical in engineering applications.
This design is the use of CMM for general speed passenger bearing shape error measurement and analysis, I measured the inner part of the normal speed passenger bearing.Get use measurement data of general speed passenger bearing inner ring as a basis, then get the the size and geometric error of inner parts , then follow the national standard definitions and evaluation criteria to create shape error related to solving the mathematical model form error.Then I use CATIA and other 3D software to remodel the 3D model,and it can be imported into the three coordinate measuring machine for automatic measurement.Comparing the results obtained by different measurement methods and analyze the reasons for the differences.
Keywords: CMM(coordinate measuring machine),shape error, error handling, reverse engineering.
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 背景及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.3三坐标测量机未来的发展趋势 3
1.4 研究内容 4
2 三坐标测量机介绍 5
2.1 坐标测量机的基本组成 5
2.2 测量机主机的结构形式 5
2.3 活动桥式测量机的组成和功能 6
2.4 控制系统的功能 7
2.5 测座、测头系统 7
2.6 计算机和测量软件 8
2.7 测量机的工作环境 8
2.8 操纵盒使用说明 9
3 轴承内圈尺寸及形位公差测量 11
3.1 零件基本尺寸测量 11
3.2 CMM测量分析 13
3.3启动软件 14
3.4 测头校验 14
3.4.1测头校验的原因 14
3.4.2测头校验的原理 14
3.4.3测头校验的步骤 15
3.5 坐标系的建立 18
3.5.1建立坐标系步骤 18
3.6 测量特征 19
3.6.1手动测量特征 19
3.7 尺寸和公差 21
3.7.1特征位置 21
3.7.2距离 22
3.7.3圆度的评价 23
3.7.4平行度/垂直度评价 24
3.8 特征分析 24
3.9 内圈零件分析 27
4 逆向工程 29
4.1逆向工程软件介绍 29
4.1.1 CATIA V5的概述 29
4.1.2 CATIA的功能简介 29
4.2 逆向工程介绍 29
4.2.1逆向工程基本信息 29
4.2.2逆向工程使用设备 30
4.2.3逆向工程作用 31
4.3三维模型重建 32
4.3.1三维激光扫描仪扫描 32
4.3.2 CATIA修补 32
5 结论与展望 35
5.1 结论 35
5.2 展望 35
致 谢 36
参考文献 37
附录 39
1 绪论
1.1 背景及意义