摘 要
The Design of Hot Press of Automataic Horizontal Veneer of Man-made Board
Automatic horizontal weneer hot press of man-made board is an important production equipment on the production line, while the frame plate is an important part of the whole hot press. It bears the full pressure of hot press at work. Just as the reason of their importance,mechanism failure can’t happen for the insufficient strength of the frame plate or uneven force in the process of press work. In the process of practical usage, frame plate always withstand thousands of tons of load for a long time, so it will cause it to crack,and even break even fracture.In order to solve this problem,the finite element method is used to analyze the frame plate,and the more accurate deformation and the stress distribution will be obtained.
According to the design task of the frame plate, the frame plate which has not been optimized by finite element method is compared with that of the frame plate which is optimized by finite element method. Through comparison and analysis of stress and degeneration, the stress and deformation are analyzed. Finally, In order to achieve the purpose of material saving, We select a most suitable group data which meets the criteria of the stress and deformation . In the whole frame design, there are two key design. First: the selection of parameters of the frame plate. The stress and deformation of the frame plate are closely related to the parameters of the frame plate,so the choice of the most obvious parameters to stress and deformation will have a great impact to the finite element optimization design result. Second: the simplification of frame plate stress and restraint. In the use of ansysworkbench finite element optimization design process, we can simplify the load and stress distribution and then add them to the frame plate model.It will also have great influence on the results of the optimization design.
Under the normal working conditions of the hot press,veneer quality is also one of an evaluation index. The function of the synchronization mechanism is to ensure that the oil cylinder of the hot press machine and the hot pressing plate are always stay in the same vertical direction in the upper and lower motion process.
So it can make the cylinder to do the synchronous movement, and make the pressure even on the surface of the board ,then We can get an artificial board with better veneer quality.The most important step in the synchronization mechanism design process is the selection among the various types of synchronization mechanism , so how to pick out the most suitable type will be the focus of the design of the synchronization mechanism.
Key word:hot press of automataic horizontal veneer of man-made board ;
Synchronization mechanism;Finite element optimization analysis;Frame plate
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1人造板自动横向贴面热压机概念 1
1.2人造板自动横向贴面热压机的工作原理及组成部分 1
1.3课题国内外现状 1
1.3.1贴面热压机国外发展现状 1
1.3.2贴面热压机国内发展现状 1
1.4选题的目的及意义 2
1.5人造板自动横向贴面热压机主要设计参数 3
1.6人造板贴面热压机总体结构设计 3
2 人造板贴面热压机主要结构框架设计 5
2.2框架板设计整体思路 5
2.3 ANSYS有限元分析方法简介 7
2.4未经过有限元优化设计的框架板总体受力分析 7
2.5框架板尺寸参数初步确定 8
2.5.1确定框架板厚度t和侧壁宽H3: 8
2.5.2上横梁高度H1的确定: 9
2.5.3下横梁高度H2确定 9
2.5.4开档口处宽度H4确定: 9
2.5.5开档口处高度H6确定: 9
2.5.6结论: 10
2.6 ANSYSWORKBENCH有限元建模及求 10
2.6.1框架板有限元模型初步建立 10
2.6.2对框架板进行初步有限元分析 10
2.7改进结构框架板有限元优化设计(优化过程) 14
2.7.1优化思路 14
2.7.2确定变量: 15
2.7.3第一次有限元计算 16
2.7.4第二次有限元分析计算 22
2.8结论 25
3.同步机构的设计和选用 26