摘 要
The design of hydraulic system of spinning and unloading machinery of textile machine
Founding that aspects of special mechanical , related research and design are few after the development process of spinning and unloading machinery of textile machine and today's technology are fully understood.On the basis of the traditional hydraulic system, I analyses the usage of loading and unloading machinery, designing a new type of electric hydraulic trolley for loading and unloading of beam, greatly reducing the labor intensity, shortening the time of loading and unloading, improving labor productivity.The main contents include the working process of the spinning and unloading machinery of textile machine, determining the design of the hydraulic system works, rationally selecting and confirming the original hydraulic, designing the manifold block of hydraulic controlling device, designing parts of the hydraulic cylinder, The fuel tank, assembling structure of hydraulic pressure station.
Through the design of the hydraulic system, the structure of spinning and unloading machinery of textile machine is more reasonable, redesigning the key parameters of the hydraulic system , checking related parameters of the selected calculating on the performance of the system, greatly improving the stability of hydraulic system.Finally selecting the all kinds of hydraulic auxiliary components, making the system more perfect.Through the overall system designing, spinning and unloading machinery of textile machine meets the requirements of hydraulic system, conforming to the actual working condition and all indicators. the indicators meet the. For the problems of in the design, I am also to think a certain degree of future.
Key words: the beam loading and unloading; hydraulic system; block integration; design of the hydraulic cylinder; constitute of hydraulic station
目 录
1 设计简介及任务 2
1.1 概述 2
1.1.1 国内纺织机械工业发展现状 2
1.1.2 我国纺织机械工业存在的问题 2
1.1.3 经轴装卸机械液压系统设计的目的及意义 3
1.2 纺织机经轴装卸机械液压系统概述 3
1.2.1 主机简介 3
1.2.2 设计要求 4
1.2.3 经轴装卸机械的整体结构 4
1.2.4 升降机构液压系统的组成 4
1.2.5 液压系统工作原理 6
1.3 液压技术的特点及发展 6
1.3.1液压技术的特点 6
1.3.2液压传动技术的发展 6
2 液压传动系统的设计与计算 8
2.1 确定液压系统主要参数 8
2.1.1 负载计算 8
2.1.2 系统工作压力的确定 9
2.2 液压缸几何参数的确定 9
2.2.1 计算液压缸的尺寸 9
2.2.2液压缸最大工作压力 11
2.2.3液压缸最大流量 12
2.3液压泵的选择设计 12
2.3.1 液压泵的最大工作压力Pp 12
2.4电动机的确定 13
2.5液压元件的选择 13
2.6液压油的选择 14
3 液压缸总体设计 15
3.1 液压缸结构设计 15
3.1.1 缸体 15
3.1.2 缸盖 15
3.1.3 缸筒和缸盖的连接形式 16
3.1.4活塞 16
3.1.5活塞杆 17
3.1.6 液压缸的缓冲装置 18
3.2液压缸的主要尺寸参数确定 18
3.2.1液压缸行程H的确定 18
3.2.2液压缸油口尺寸的确定 19
3.2.3 液压缸长度及壁厚确定 20
4 集成块装置的设计 21
4.1 概述及特点 21
4.2 集成块设计 21
4.2.1 分解液压系统并绘制集成块单元回路图 21
4.2.2公用油道孔数量的选定 22
4.2.3确定孔道直径 23
4.2.4确定通油孔间的壁厚 23
5 液压站及辅助装置的设计 25
5.1油箱装置的设计 25
5.1.1油箱容量 25
5.1.2油箱尺寸确定 26
5.1.3油箱的结构设计 26
5.1.4油箱的制造工艺 26
5.2 液压泵组的结构设计 30
5.2.1 液压泵的安装方式 30
5.2.2 液压泵与电机的联接 31
5.2.3 电机的安装 31
5.3管路选择、布置与连接 32
5.3.1管路选择 32
5.3.2管路的布置 32
5.3.3管路的连接 32
结 论 34
致 谢 35
参考文献 36
前 言