摘 要
A study based on the oblique laser triangulation
to detecte the unedged sawn timber
AbstractThe quality of sawn timber has been heavily influenced by the quality of edging operation during the timber processing, thus reasonable edging has been considered as the foundation of the detection for the external face of unedged sawn timber. The thickness is usually considered as the main factor to differentiate the external face from the faces of the timber. The mathematical model of thickness and width is derived by the model of oblique laser triangulation measurement.Meanwhile,a high linear correlation between the measured test-piece thickness and the height of the photograph is discovered. The width resolution is related to the thickness of the measured test-piece, which is an invariant constant when the angle of the laser incident and the inclinated camera meets a certain condition. The width of external face can be obtained by analyzing the detected image with Hough Transform and adaptive binaryzation. Nine common specifications of the test-piece with 56 samples for each type are applied in the experiment which is carried out under the degree of 30、45 and 60. The results show that the relative errorrate for the width of external face is less than 0.7%,and the absolute error is below 0.5mm under this method, which is able to meet the needs of wood measurement.
Keywords: Unedged sawn timber; External face; Oblique laser triangulation;Hough Transform
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2 研究现状 1
1.3研究目的及意义 2
2 检测原理 4
2.1激光三角法概述 4
2.2检测毛边的原理 4
2.2.1厚度方向推导 4
2.2.2宽度测量模型 7
3 图像处理 9
3.1获取图像 10
3.2获取红色通道 11
3.3图像处理算法 12
3.4 确定毛边锯材下锯路径 14
4 实验设计 15
4.1 实验装置 15
4.2 实验材料 16
4.3实验方法 17
5 数据分析 19
5.1标定分析 19
5.1.1厚度标定 19
5.1.2宽度标定 21
5.2 数据讨论 28
致谢 32
参考文献 33
附录A:高度标定MATLAB程序 35
附录B:宽度标定MATLAB程序 36
附录C: 实验数据分布图像MATLAB程序 37
1.1 研究背景