摘 要
关键字:便携式3D打印机 受力分析 结构设计 Solidworks
Today's society is in a rapidly developing time, a variety of mature technology has been widely used in various fields. But in recent years, the most rapid development is the 3D printing technology, 3D printing technology is applied in a variety of different of the field. 3D printer technology are involved in Medical, aerospace, construction and other fields. In this paper, the development of 3D printer technology at home and abroad to sum up the status quo, integrated 3D printer printing process principle, the application of "portable 3D printer" concept. It is focusing on light weight, simple structure, easy to carry and use, low production costs.
According to the corresponding indicators, the data in line with the standard parts under the premise of the overall structure of the 3D design, and the important parts of the parameters and the movement principle of a detailed analysis. The 3D printer is subject to strain during use. The impact of the force will lead to structural deformation, so we just use the material mechanics to support the column force analysis . So we can sure the accuracy of the 3D printer products.
The 3D printer is moving in three directions at run time, and whether the printer can move exactly in the three directions of X, Y, and Z. We must sure the accuracy and stability of the track. The important part of my printer study is it can move freely in these three directions. And ensure that the maximum range of motion for the three moving directions is achieved in the smallest size space. The design process mainly uses Solidworks three-dimensional drawing software.
Key words: Portable3D printer ;stress analysis ;design ;Solidworks
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题的背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外3D打印机研究现状 1
1.2.1 3D打印机国内的研究现状 1
1.2.2 3D打印机国外的研究现状 2
1.3 便携式3D打印机结构优势 2
2 总体方案的设计 3
2.1 系统总体框架 3
2.2 3D打印机的结构 3
2.3 电机的选择 5
2.4 打印喷头的选择 8
3 机构的设计 9
3.1 三轴并联式运动结构与原理 9
3.2 X轴运动方向的极限位置 10
4 3D打印机主要部件受力分析 12
4.1 X方向运动光杆的受力分析 12
4.2 丝杠的受力计算 14
4.3导轨的选型及计算 14
4.4 丝杠和螺母自锁校核计算 15
5 Solidworks设计3D打印机 16
5.1 Solidworks介绍 16
5.2 草图的设计 19
5.3 系列零件设计 20
5.4 皮带轮设计 20
5.5 运动滑块的设计 21
5.6喷头传动机构的设计 22
5.7 圆角和倒角 23
5.8系列零件设计表 25
5.9 零件模型外观色彩 26
结 论 29
致 谢 30
参考文献 31
1 绪论
1.1 课题的背景与意义
1.2 国内外3D打印机研究现状